Dr. Ajitava Ray Chaudhuri
Present Position: Professor Emeritus (HOD)
Department of Economics, School of Business and Economics
E-mail: ajitava.raychaudhuri@adamasuniversity.ac.in
- B.A.(Honours)in Economics, JadavpurUniversity, 1976. Ranked First in theFirstClass.
- M.A. in Economics with specialization in Econometrics and Operations Research, Jadavpur University, 1978, Examination held in 1979. Ranked First in theFirstClass.
- Ph.d in Economics, AmericanUniversity, Washington, D.C., USA, January, 1988. Titleof TheThesis- “ModelsofRedistribution and Economic Development”.CommitteeMembers-JamesWeaver (Chair), SubodhMathur,RobertBlecker
Research Projects:
- ProjectTitle:CoordinatingtheCentreforWest Bengal Economy underUGCfunded UPE-II programme, 2012-2017
- ProjectTitle:OnDevisingaTaxDevolution Formula for14th FinanceCommission, GOI, 2013-14.
- ProjectTitle:EconomicCorridors, TradeCosts, and Regional Production Networks in South Asia, Asian Development Bank andRIS, NewDelhi, 2010-11.
- ProjectTitle: District Human Development Report, Nadia and PurbaMedinipur, sponsored byUNDPand PlanningCommission, Govt ofIndia, 2011
- ProjectTitle:Trade,Infrastructure andInequalityby ARTNeT, UNESCAP, 2010
- ProjectTitle:Openingup and its impact on National Firms inIndia and China, aproject jointlyexecuted by IPEA programme, MaisonSciencedel’homme(MSH) at Paris and Resident Scholar at Reid Hall programmeof ColumbiaUniversityat Paris, January– March, 2007
- ProjectTitle:Manufacturingsector’sgrowth in the stateOfWest Bengal,India,DFID-IPPG project,LSE, UK, 2007.
- ProjectTitle:Assessing Barriers to Tradein Education Services in DevelopingESCAP Countries: An Empirical Exercise, Sponsored byUNESCAPand WTO, October, 2006 – March 2007
- ProjectTitle:“DesigningaPro-poorValueAdded Tax forIndia”, sponsored byPEPNetwork,IDRC, Canada, August 2005 to August 2006.
- ProjectTitle:Consultant to thePriceWaterhouse Coopers Surveyin Punjab on Health, 2003-04, sponsored BytheWorld Bank.
- ProjectTitle:“Land Reforms in West Bengal”, PaperpreparedfortheShanghai povertyreduction Scaleup Conferencesponsored byWorld Bank, 2003-04.
- Consultant:forpreparingtheInfrastructurechapterof thePlanningCommission sponsored byWest Bengal StateDevelopment Report, 2002-03.
- ProjectTiltle:“EconomicReform, Small scale Industriesand subcontracting”Doneunderthe UNDPsponsoredLaw and economics programme ofWBNUJS, Kolkata, 2003.
- ProjectTitle: “TradePotentials ofSouth Asian Economies in thenew Global TradeRegime: Acase studyofIndia, Bangladesh and SriLanka”(Jointwith CSSSC, Kolkata and CPD, Bangladesh), SANEI-III, Global Development Network (GDN), 2002-03.
- ProjectTitle: “TradePatterns betweenIndia and EU”UGCMinorResearch Scheme, Jadavpur University,2003(with RajatAcharyya).
- Consultancy: “India’s Exports” (with SugataMarjit),MINISTRY OF FINANCE, GOVT. OFINDIA,Februaryto March 1995.
- Consultancy: “Costs andProfits in Garments, TextilesAndLeatherIndustries inIndia: AnInternational ComparativeStudy”, THE WORLD BANK,Julyto December, 1994.
Award/ Academic Recognition/ Major Professional Activity:
- ShikshaRatna AwardforOustandingTeacher, Govt. ofWestBengal,2018
- ReidHall ResidentScholar, Columbia University,Paris Campus from January3 – February15, 2007
- FulbrightFellow, EconomicGrowth Center, YaleUniversity, NewHaven, USA, August 1996ToApril, 1997.
- Visitor, Centre forDevelopment Studies, SOAS, London University, July21,1996 to July26,1996. (e)Appearedin Marquis Who’s who, 2001, 2002.
- Dissertati on Fellowship, AmericanUniversity, Washington, D.C., USA, Spring,1987 to Fall,1987.
- SimonNaidelPrizeforBest Comprehensive Examination, AmericanUniversity, USA, 1986.
- Patel Grant, Institute of International Education, N.Y., USA, 1984.
- UGC Junior Research Fellowship, Department Of Economics, Jadavpur University, November 1979 To April,1981.
- P.N. Banerjee Best All-Round Graduate Medal, Jadavpur University, 1978.
- University Medals for standing First in the First Class, Jadavpur University, B.A. in 1976 and M.A. in 1978 (Awarded in 1979).