Chiranjib Chakraborty
Present Position: Chair Professor
Department of Biotechnology, School of Life Science & Biotechnology
E-mail: chiranjib.chakravartty@adamasuniversity.ac.in
- Ph.D. (2001): (Vidyasagar University), Midnapore, West Bengal, India. (PhD research work has been carried out in Marine Aquarium and Research Centre (ZSI), WB, India)
- M.Sc. (1995): (Kanpur University), Kanpur, U.P., India Presently, (Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur)
- B.Sc. (Hons.) (1993): The (University of Burdwan, Burdwan, India).
Research Key Areas:
- Research interest: Bioinformatics/ Immunoinformatics, Disease modelling and Therapeutics, ncRNA, Mutation, Infectious diseases
Research Highlights:
h-index: 57; Number of publications: SCI/ SCIE /ESCI indexed Publications: 311; Book Chapters: 11; Cumulative SCI/ SCIE Impact Factor: 2122.6 Average SCI/ SCIE Impact Factor: 6.8; Single Author (SCI & Scopus indexed): 4; First Author (SCI & Scopus indexed): 162; Corresponding Author (SCI & Scopus indexed): 204 (Corresponding since 2003);Technology developed: 20 ; Patent (Granted):1 Patent (applied): 15; PhD guided:03 (Degree awarded), and one ongoing; Invited talks: 23; Research Award received: 12
Citation in Google Scholar: h-index: 57; i10 index: 185; Citation: 11248; 6 Papers with more than 300 (i300=6); 7 Papers with more than 200 citations (i200 index: 7) and 24 Papers with more than 100 citations (i100 index: 24)
Citation in Scopus: Scopus h-index: 48 Citation: 8175
Google Scholar ID: 3m8rwpUAAAAJ
Scopus ID: 56219079200
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-3958-239X
Web of Science Researcher ID: AAV-1132-2021
- More than 28 years in Scientific Research and Teaching experience in India and aboard.
- Total research experience: 28 Years [including industrial R&D (Industrial Research & Development) experience: 4 years]
- Total teaching experience: 20 Years
Within India
Adamas University, Kolkata (Period: October, 2018- Till Date)
- Chair Professor, Department of Biotechnology, School of Life Science and Biotechnology, Adamas University, Barrackpore –Barasat Rd, Kolkata, India (July 2024- till date)
- Professor, Department of Biotechnology, School of Life Science and Biotechnology, Adamas University, Barrackpore –Barasat Rd, Kolkata, India (October, 2018- June, 2024)
Galgotias University, Greater Noida (Period: May, 2012- September,2018)
- Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India (May, 2012- September,2018)
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata (Visiting Position)
- Visiting Scientist, Machine Intelligence Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India (December 02,-2011 to December 30,2011)
- Visiting Scientist, Machine Intelligence Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India (Second time)
VIT University, Vellore (Period: April, 2010- April, 2012)
- Associate Professor, Medical Biotechnology Division, School of Bio-Sciences and Technology, VIT University, Vellore, India (April, 2010- April, 2012)
College of Engineering and Technology (IILM Academy of Higher Learning), Greater Noida (Period: July,2005-April,2010)
- Associate Professor Dept. of Biotechnology, College of Engineering and Technology (IILM) (Under GB Technical University, UP) Greater Noida, UP. (Jan,2009-April,2010)
- Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biotechnology, College of Engineering and Technology (IILM) (GB Technical University, UP) Greater Noida, UP. (July,2005 –Dec, 2008)
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biotechnology, Institute of Applied Medicines and Research (IAMR) (Under CCS University, Meerut, UP), Ghaziabad, UP, India (June,2004 –June, 2005)
Sr. Scientist (Critical care medicine and biotechnology), Glenmark Laboratories, Mumbai, India (May,2002 – June,2004)
Research Scientist, Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Mumbai, India (August,2000 – April,2002)
Lecturer (Ad-Hoc), Burdwan Raj College, Burdwan, West Bengal, India (April,1999 – July,2000)
Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Life Science and Biotechnology, Jadavpur University, Calcutta, (October-November,1999)
Research Scholar, Marine Aquarium & Research Center (Zoological Survey of India),
Digha, West Bengal (December,1995 – April,1999)
Outside India
- Research Director in Bioinformatics (as Advisory Professor), Institute for Skeletal Aging (ISA), Hallym University, College of Medicine, Chuncheon, Gangwon-do, South Korea (QS World University Ranking 571-580 in the year 2023)(December 2014 to till date)
- Visiting Professor, Institute for Skeletal Aging & Orthopedic Surgery, Hallym University, College of Medicine, Chucheon, Gangwondo, South Korea (December 2018-January 2019)
- Visiting Professor, Institute for Skeletal Aging & Orthopedic Surgery, Hallym University, College of Medicine, Chucheon, Gangwondo, South Korea (May2015-June 2015)
- Visiting Professor, Institute for Skeletal Aging & Orthopedic Surgery, Hallym University, College of Medicine, Chucheon, Gangwondo, South Korea (November2013-December, 2013)
- Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Computer Sciences, Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong (November, 2014-December,2014)
- Sr. Visiting Fellow, Institute of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193, China (October-December, 2009)
- Visiting Research Professor, Dept. of Marine Biotechnology and Resources, National Sun Yat-sen University; Kaohisung; Taiwan (July,2006 – January, 2007)
- Post Doctoral Fellow, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA. ( 2002-2003)
Administrative Experience
Adamas University, Kolkata (Period: October, 2018- Till Date)
- Vice-Chancellor (Acting), Adamas University, Barrackpore –Barasat Rd, Kolkata, India (for a day on 3rd October 2019)
- Dean, School of Life Science and Biotechnology, Adamas University, Barrackpore –Barasat Rd, Kolkata, India (March, 2019- December, 2019)
- Director, Innovation Centre, Adamas University, Barrackpore –Barasat Rd, Kolkata, India (October, 2018- Till Date)
Galgotias University, Greater Noida (Period: May, 2012- September,2018)
- Research Director, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India (March, 2018- September,2018)
Applied Medicines and Research (IAMR) (Under CCS University, Meerut, UP), Ghaziabad, UP, India ( July,2004 –June, 2005)
- Head, Dept. of Biotechnology, Institute of Applied Medicines and Research (IAMR) (Under CCS University, Meerut, UP), Ghaziabad, UP, India ( July,2004 –June, 2005)
Research Publication (s):
- Publication Achievements
Total peer reviewed publication: 178
Total SCI and Scopus indexed Publications: 170 (and 3 SCI book chapters); - Publication- books
Edited book: 2; Book: 4
For Details, Visit: https://adamasuniversity.irins.org/profile/159872
Selected Publication (s):
- Chakraborty C*, Sharma AR, Bhattacharya M, Agoramoorthy G and Lee SS* (2021) Newly emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants, evolution, their mode of transmission and mutational
landscape. mBio (*Corresponding Author) IF: 7.867 - Chakraborty C*, Saha A, Sharma AR, Bhattacharya M, Lee SS*, Agoramoorthy G* (2021) D614G mutation eventuates in all VOI and VOC in SARS-CoV-2: Is it part of the positive selection pioneered by Darwin? Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids (*Corresponding Author) IF: 8.886
- Sarkar BK, Sharma AR, Bhattacharya M, Sharma G, Lee SS*, Chakraborty C* (2021) Determination of k-mer density in a DNA sequence and subsequent cluster formation algorithm based on the application of electronic filter. Scientific Reports 11(1):13701. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-93154-3 (*Corresponding Author) IF: 4.379
[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34211040/] - Chakraborty C*, Sharma AR, Bhattacharya M, Agoramoorthy G, Lee SS * (2021) Asianorigin approved COVID-19 vaccines and current status of COVID-19 vaccination program in
Asia: a critical analysis. Vaccines 9(6): 600. doi: 10.3390/vaccines9060600 (*Corresponding Author) IF: 4.422
[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34199995/] - Bhattacharya M, Sharma AR, Ghosh P, Lee SS*, Chakraborty C*(2021) A next generation vaccine candidate using alternative epitopes to protect against Wuhan and all significant mutant variants of SARS-CoV-2: an Immunoinformatics approach. Aging and Disease doi: 10.14336/AD.2021.0518 (*Corresponding Author) IF: 6.745 [http://www.aginganddisease.org/EN/10.14336/AD.2021.0518]
- Bhattacharya M, Sharma AR, Patra P, Ghosh G, Sharma G, Patra BC, Lee SS*, Chakraborty C* (2020) Development of epitope-based peptide vaccine against novel Coronavirus 2019 (SARS-COV-2): Immunoinformatics approach. Journal of Medical Virology 92(6):618 631.doi:10.1002/jmv.25736 (*Corresponding Author) IF: 2.327 (More than 230 citations)
[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32108359/] - Mallick B, Sharma AR, Lee SS*, Chakraborty C*. (2019) Understanding the molecular interaction of human Argonaute-2 and miR-20a complex: a molecular dynamics approach. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 120(12):19915–19924. (*Corresponding Author) IF: 4.429 [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31318096/]
(More than 3 citations) - Nagasundaram N, George Priya Doss C, Chakraborty C, Karthick V, Thirumal Kumar D, Balaji V, Siva R, Lu A, Zhang G, Zhu H. (2016) Mechanism of artemisinin resistance for malaria PfATP6 L263 mutations and discovering potential antimalarials: An integrated computational approach. Scientific Reports 6:30106. IF: 4.379 [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27471101/]
(More than 24 citations) - Doss. CGP, Chakraboty C, Syed Haneef SA, NagaSundaram N, Chen L, Zhu H (2014) Evolution- and structure-based computational strategy reveals the impact of deleterious missense mutations on MODY 2 (maturity-onset diabetes of the young, type 2). Theranostics 4(4):366-385. IF: 11.556 [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24578721/]
(More than 39 citations) - Doss CGP, Rajith B, Chakraboty C, NagaSundaram N, Shabana Kouser Ali, Hailong Zhu (2014) Structural signature of the G719S-T790M double mutation in the EGFR kinase domain and its response to inhibitors. Scientific Reports 4: 5868 | DOI: 10.1038/srep05868 IF: 4.379
(More than 38 citations) - Nam JS# , Chakraborty C#, Sharma AR#, Bae KJ, Her H, Sharma G, George Priya Doss C, Lee SS, Hong MS (2014) Effect of WNT3a on keratinocytes utilizing in vitro and bioinformatics analysis. International Journal Molecular Science 15, 5472-5495. IF: 5.923 (These authors contributed equally)
[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24686518/] - Doss CGP, Nagasundar M, Jain S, Chakraborty C (2012) LSHGD: a database for human leprosy susceptible genes. Genomics 100 (3): 162-166 IF: 5.736 [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22750101/]
- Chakraborty C, Roy SS, Hsu MJ, Agoramoorthy G (2012) Can computational biology improve the phylogenetic analysis of insulin? Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 108(2):860-72. IF: 5.428
[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22622642/] (Highlighted in NewsRx)[Highlighted in the book: Advances in Proinsulin Research and Application: 2013 Edition; ScholarlyEditions.TM ISBN: 978-1-481-69601-2 ] - Chakraborty C (2021) Therapeutics development for Ebola virus disease: A recent scenario. Current Opinion in Pharmacology IF: 5.547 (Accepted)
- Chakraborty C*, Bhattacharya M, Sharma AR* (2021) Present variants of concern (VOC) and variants of interest (VOI) of SARS-CoV-2: their significant mutations in Sglycoprotein, infectivity, re-infectivity, immune escape, and vaccines activity. Reviews in Medical Virology doi:10.1002/rmv.2270 (*Corresponding Author) IF: 6.989 (Invited
review) - Sharma G, Alle M, Chakraborty C, Kim JC. (2021) Strategies to overcome challenges facing transdermal drug delivery for the treatment of bone-related disorders: A preclinical and clinical update. Journal of Controlled Release S0168-3659(21)00333-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2021.06.035. IF: 9.776
[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34175368/] - Chakraborty C*, Sharma AR, Bhattacharya M and Lee SS* (2021) From COVID-19 to cancer mRNA vaccines: moving from bench to clinic in the vaccine landscape. Frontiers in Immunology 12:679344. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2021.679344 (*Corresponding Author) IF: 7.561 (Invited review)
- Sharma AR, Bhattacharya M, Bhakta S, Saha A, Lee SS*, Chakraborty C*(2021) Recent research progress on circular RNAs: Biogenesis, properties, functions, and therapeutic potential. Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids doi: 10.1016/j.omtn.2021.05.022 (*Corresponding Author) IF: 8.886 (Invited review)
- Chakraborty C*, Sharma AR, Bhattacharya M, Sharma G, Saha RP, Lee SS*. (2021) Ongoing clinical trials of vaccines to fight against COVID-19 pandemic. Immune Network 21:e1. doi: 10.4110/in.2021.21.e5 (*Corresponding Author) IF: 6.303 [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33728098/]
(More than 6 citations) - Chakraborty C*, Sharma AR, Bhattacharya M, Agoramoorthy G*, Lee SS*(2021) The current second wave and COVID-19 vaccination status in India. Brain Behavior and Immunity. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2021.05.018 (*Corresponding Author) IF: 7.217 (Invited review)
(More than 2 citations) - Sharma G, Sharma AR, Bhattacharya M, Lee SS*, Chakraborty C*(2021) CRISPR/Cas9: A preclinical and clinical perspective for the treatment of human diseases. Molecular-Therapy 29(2):571-586. (*Corresponding Author) IF: 11.454 (Invited review) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33238136/] (More than 11 citations)
- Chakraborty C*, Sharma AR, Sharma G, Lee SS*(2020) Therapeutic advances of miRNAs: A preclinical and clinical update. Journal of Advanced Research 28:127-138. doi:10.1016/j.jare.2020.08.012 (*Corresponding Author) IF: 10.479 (Invited review) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33364050/]
(More than 24 citations) - Saha RP*, Sharma AR, Singh MK, Samanta S, Bhakta S, Mandal S, Bhattacharya M , Lee SS*, Chakraborty C*. (2020) Repurposing drugs, ongoing vaccine and new therapeutic development initiatives against COVID-19. Frontiers in Pharmacology 11:1258. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2020.01258 (*Corresponding Author) IF: 5.810 [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32973505/]
(More than 47 citations) - Chakraborty C*, Sharma AR, Sharma G, Lee SS*. (2020) The interplay among miRNAs, major cytokines, and cancer-related inflammation. Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids 20:606- 620. doi: 10.1016/j.omtn.2020.04.002. (*Corresponding Author) IF: 8.886 (Invited review) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32348938/]
(More than 18 citations) - Chakraborty C*, Sharma AR, Sharma G, Bhattacharya M, Lee SS*. (2020) SARS-CoV2 causing pneumonia-associated respiratory disorder (COVID-19): diagnostic and proposed therapeutic options. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 24: 4016- 4026 (*Corresponding Author) IF: 3.507
(More than 140 citations) - Sharma G, Sharma AR, Lee SS, Bhattacharya M, Nam JS, Chakraborty C*. (2019) Advances in nanocarriers enabled brain targeted drug delivery across blood-brain barrier. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 559 : 360–372 (*Corresponding Author) IF: 5.875 [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30721725 (More than 59 citations)
- Chakraborty C*, Sharma A, Sharma G, Doss CG, Lee SS* (2017) Therapeutic miRNA and siRNA: moving from bench to clinic as next generation medicine. Molecular TherapyNucleic Acids 8: 132–143. (*Corresponding Author) IF: 8.886 (Invited review)
[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28918016/] (More than 550 citations) - Chakraborty C*, Sharma AR, Sharma G, Lee SS* (2016) Zebrafish: A complete animal
model to enumerate the nanoparticle toxicity. Journal of Nanobiotechnology 14(1):65. (*Corresponding Author) IF: 10.435(Invited review)
[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27544212/] (More than 196 citations) - Kumar S. Sharma AR, Sharma G, Chakraborty C*, Kim J* (2016) PLK-1: Angel or Devil for cell cycle progression. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Reviews on Cancer 1865(2):190-203 (*Corresponding Author) IF: 10.680 (Invited review) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26899266/]
(More than 38 citations) - Sharma AR, Sharma G, Lee SS*, Chakraborty C* (2016) miRNA regulated key components of cytokine signaling pathways and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis. Medicinal Research Reviews 36(3):425-39. (*Corresponding Author) IF: 12.944 (Invited review)
(More than 48 citations) - Sharma G, Sharma AR, Nam JS, GeorgePriya Doss C, Lee SS*, Chakraborty C*. (2015) Nanoparticle based insulin delivery system: the next generation efficient therapy for Type 1 diabetes. Journal of Nanobiotechnology 13:74 (*Corresponding Author) IF: 10.435 (Invited review) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26498972/]
(More than 132 citations) - Chakraboty C#*, Doss CGP, Bandyopadhyay S# and Agoramoorthy G (2014) Influence of miRNA in insulin signaling pathway and insulin resistance: Micro-molecules with a major role in type-2 diabetes. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-RNA 5:697-712 (*Corresponding Author) IF: 9.957 (Invited review)
(More than 166 citations) - Chakraborty C, Agoramoorthy G (2010) A special report on India’s biotech scenario: Advancement in biopharmaceutical and health care sectors. Biotechnology Advances 28: 1– 6. IF: 14.227(Invited review)
(More than 20 citations) - Agoramoorthy G, Chakraborty C, Hsu MJ. (2010) Big nation, nano dream-the prospects of India’s nanotech revolution. Drug Discovery Today 15(13/14): 495-498 IF: 7.848 (Invited review)
[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20363360/] - Saha A, Sharma AR, Bhattacharya M, Sharma G, Lee SS*, Chakraborty C*(2020) Probable molecular mechanism of Remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19: Need to know more. Archives of Medical Research 51(6):585-586. doi: 10.1016/j.arcmed.2020.05.001 (*Corresponding Author) IF: 2.235 [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32439198/]
(More than 94 citations) - Saha A, Sharma AR, Bhattacharya M, Sharma G, Lee SS*, Chakraborty C*(2020) Tocilizumab: A therapeutic option for the treatment of cytokine storm syndrome in COVID19. Archives of Medical Research 51(6):595-597. doi: 10.1016/j.arcmed.2020.05.009 (*Corresponding Author) IF: 2.235
(More than 52 citations) - Chakraborty C*, Sharma A, Sharma G, Bhattacharya M, Lee SS*. (2020) MicroRNAs: possible regulatory molecular switch controlling the BBB microenvironment. Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids 19:933–936. doi:10.1016/j.omtn.2019.12.024 (*Corresponding Author) IF: 8.886
(More than 2 citations) - Agoramoorthy G, Chakraborty C(2015) India’s budget reduction and AIDS initiatives Lancet Infectious Diseases 15(6):636 (Correspondence piece) IF: 25.071 [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26008839/]
- Agoramoorthy G, Chakraborty C (2014) Ebola eradication may need wider partnership. Canadian Medical Association Journal 186(15):1170. (Letter to the editor) IF: 8.262 [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25332426/]
- Agoramoorthy G, Chakraborty C. (2012) Environment: Control electronic waste in India. Nature 485(7398):309. IF: 49.962 [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22596147/]
(More than 13 citations)
Research Advisor / Supervisor:
- Doctoral Thesis Advisor / Supervisor: 3 (Awarded); 1(ongoing)
- Post Graduate / Graduate Thesis Advisor: 62 (Awarded)
Award/ Academic Recognition/ Major Professional Activity:
- 2024- GeroScience Publication Award Honorable Mention! American Aging Association (AGE) and Geroscience (Official Journal of the American Aging Association (AGE)), USA
- 2024- Future Leaders Mentorship Fellow, American Society of Microbiology (ASM), USA
- 2023-Selected for “Tata Innovation Fellowship” For 2022-2023, Depart of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India
- 2023-Global Research Excellence Award, IEEE and IAS (IEEE Industry Application Society)
- 2021- Chancellor Award (The Award is also called Spirit of Adamas University)
- Hon’ble Chancellor, Adamas University, Kolkata, India,
- 2021- Research excellence award, Awarding organization: Adamas University, Kolkata, India
- 2021- Research Award, Institute for Skeletal Aging & Orthopedic Surgery, Hallym University, College of Medicine, Chucheon, Gangwondo, South Korea (Value: 1 million korean won After Alien Tax)
- 2020- AEB-IFI National Award For Excellence In Science[ Academy Of Environmental Biology, India]
- 2020-Research Excellence Award, Adamas University, Kolkata, India (December, 2020)
- 2016- Recipient of EET-CRS 4th Academic Brilliance Awards-2016 For Best Researcher In
2016 - 2012- Publication Award For 2010 & 2011, Vit University, Vellore, India (Contains Cash Award Of 5,000 And A Certificate).
- 2010- Publication Award, National Sun Yat Sen University, Taiwan (Value USD 1471
After Alien Tax). - 1999-Snahalata Banerjee Gold Medal 1998, Academy Of Environmental Biology, India For Adjudicated Best Published Research Award.
- Honors
- My interview was highlighted in a Obituary article entitled “Kenneth Ira Berns” the journal “The Lancet Infectious Diseases”.
- [Bagcchi S. Kenneth Ira Berns. Lancet Infect Dis. 2024 Jun;24(6):576. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(24)00303-7.] [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38795723/]
- My interview was highlighted in a news article entitled “UNICEF report reveals gender gaps persist in HIV.” in the journal “The Lancet Infectious Diseases”.
- [Das M. UNICEF report reveals gender gaps persist in HIV. Lancet Infect Dis. 2024 Mar;24(3):e159. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(24)00092-6.]
- [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38401563/]
- My interview was highlighted in a news article entitled “Laos eliminates lymphatic filariasis” in the journal “The Lancet Infectious Diseases.”
- [Bagcchi S. Laos eliminates lymphatic filariasis. Lancet Infect Dis. 2024 Jan;24(1):e17. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(23)00770-3.] [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38141647/]
- My interview was highlighted in a news article entitled “DNDi receives Dutch funding boost” in the journal “The Lancet Infectious Diseases”
- [Bagcchi S. DNDi receives Dutch funding boost. Lancet Infect Dis. 2023 May;23(5):535. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(23)00222-0.] [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37086729/]
- 2023: Listed in the World’s Top 2% Scientists (Elsevier BV/Stanford University, USA) (https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/6)
- Session Chair (Afternoon session on October 4, 2023, [IST: 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm]) International conference [Blended Mode] on “BIONEXT 2023: 3rd International Conference on Translation Research towards attending “good health and well Being” October 4-6, 2022.
- Reorganization for Top Cited Article 2021-2022 published in Reviews in Medical Virology from Wiley [PMCID: PMC8420283].
- 2022: Listed in the World’s Top 2% Scientists(Elsevier BV/Stanford University, USA) (https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/5)
- Session Chair (Evening session on September 21, 2021, [IST: 8:00 Pm to 10 Pm]) International conference [Blended Mode] on “BIONEXT 2022: Frontiers on modern biology” September 21-23, 2022.
- Convener, International conference on “BIONEXT 2022 : Frontiers on modern biology” during September 21-23, 2022[Blended Mode]
- Session Chair (Afternoon session(12:00 to 1:30pm) on 16th September 2022) in Global Summit on Sustainable Science and Technology (GS3T) during15-16th September 2022.
- Appointed as Conference General Chair of 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare in 2022 (August 26th to 28th , 2022 )(CAIH2022) (http://www.icaih.org/; http://www.icaih.org/committeeSpeaker)
- 2021: Listed in the World’s Top 2% Scientists (Elsevier BV/Stanford University, USA)(https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/3)
- Session Chair (Afternoon session on 22nd April 2021)International e conference on “BIONEXT 2021 : Frontiers on modern biology” during 22- 24 April 2021.
- Convener, International e conference on “BIONEXT 2021 : Frontiers on modern biology” during 22- 24 April 2021
- 2020: Listed in the World’s Top 2% Scientists (Elsevier BV/Stanford University, USA)(https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/2)
- (Baas, Jeroen; Boyack, Kevin; Ioannidis, John P.A. (2021), “August 2021 data-update for “Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators”, Mendeley Data, V3, doi: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.3 and
- Ioannidis et al. Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators. PLoS Biol. 2020 18(10):e3000918. PMID: 33064726)
- Session Chair (Neurobiology session) during the 14th Congress of Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists and Molecular Biologists (FAOBMB) entitled “Current Excitements in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for Agriculture and Medicine” during 27 – 30 November 2015 organized by Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
- Session Chair (Medical biotechnology session) during the seminar entitled “Biogenesis-III” -6th to 7th March 2014, College of Eng and Technology (IILM Academy), Greater Noida
- Technical Committee Member-2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (iCBEB 2013), to be held in Wuhan, China, on October 11-13, 2013.
- Technical Committee Member-International Symposium on Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Science (CPS), 28-30thMay, 2012, Macau, China and 2012 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (iCBEB) 28th to 30th May 2012, Macau, China
- Technical Committee Member-Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technology (SCET),.26-29th May, Xi’on, China 2012
- Guest of Honour and Judge for “Ryan Scientific Mileu”, Ryan group of Schools, Ryan International School, Greater Noida
- Member, Excellence Research Group (Biopharmaceutical Innovation) for the Aim for the Top University Plan of National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, 2011
- Technical Committee Member-World Congress on Engineering and Technology (CET)28-30thOctober, 2011, Shanghai, China
- Technical Committee Member, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Applied Science, on September 23-24, 2016.
- Technical Committee Member, 2nd National Conference on Emerging Trends in Applied Science, on August 17-18, 2017.
- Organizing Secretary, National Seminar on Biotechnology in Genomic Era: Industrial Priorities. April 27-28thApril, 2006.