Dr. Amjad Ali
Present Position: Associate Professor & HOD
Department of Psychology, School of Liberal Arts and Culture Studies
E-mail: amjad2.ali@adamasuniversity.ac.in
- PhD (Psychology) from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
- MA (Psychology) from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
- BA (Hons) Psychology from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
- Post-Graduation Diploma in HRM from IGNOU, New Delhi
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship from NIT Rourkela
Research Key Areas:
- Organizational Behaviour
- Human Research Management
- Positive Psychology
- Associate Professor and HOD, Department of Behavioural Science, SOLACS, Adamas University from 2 September, 2022 to Present.
- Associate Professor and HOD, Department of Psychology, Chandigarh University from 21 Feb, 2022 to 31 Aug, 2022.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Behavioural Science, SOLACS, Adamas University from 17 Dec, 2020 to 18 Feb, 2022.
- Assistant Professor (on contract), Department of Humanities and Social Science, NIT Patna from 30 Sep 2014 to 15 Oct, 2019.
- Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Humanities and Social Science, NIT Rourkela from 20 July 2012 to 19 July, 2014.
- Guest Faculty, Department of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh from 23 Feb 2012 to 31 May, 2012.
Research Publication (s):
- Number of research papers published in web of science and SCOPUS: 07
- Number of research papers published in UGC Listed Journals: 13
- Number of research papers published refereed journals: 11
- Number of Book-Chapters: 04, Books : 02
For Details, Visit: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/342629
Selected Publication (s):
- Sharma, M., Tyagi, P., Nebhala, Y., Ali, A., Emarson, V.P., Bajetha, H. (2022). Effect of Social-Media on Young Adult’s Self-Esteem and Behavior: A Meta Analytical Study, Baltic Journal of Law & Politics, 3(15), 1333-1348. DOI: 10.2478/bjlp-2022-002091 URL: https://versita.com/menuscript/index.php/Versita/article/view/745
- Sharma, M., Tyagi, P., Ali, A., Priyanka, Bhat, R. M., and Kaur, N (2022). Effect of Online Gaming on Early Generation: A Review Analysis, International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 14(5), 5869-5873. ISSN 1308-5581. DOI: 10.9756/INTJECSE/V14I5.717
- Allam, M. Asad, A. Ali and N. Ali, (2021). “Visualization of Knowledge Aspects on Workplace Spirituality Through Bibliometric Analysis,” International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application (DASA), 2021, pp. 446-450, DOI: 10.1109/DASA53625.2021.9682372. Link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9682372
- Amjad Ali, Zafrul Allam and Azam (2021) Antecedents and Consequences of Work- Life Balance: A Study on Selected Organizational Factors among Women Bank Employees. Review of International Geographical Education (RIGEO), 11(10), 933-947. ISSN 2146-0353. Link: https://rigeo.org/view-artical/?s_id=2957.
- Ratnesh, , Ali, A. & Sinha, A. R. (2019). Determinants of Work-Life Balance: A Cross-Cultural Review of Selected Asian Countries. Space and Culture, India, 7(1), 223-239. ISSN 2052-8396. Link: https://spaceandculture.in/index.php/spaceandculture/article/view/478.
- Ratnesh, M., Sinha, A. R. & Ali, A. (2019). Antecedents and Consequences of Work Life Balance among Women Bank Employees: A Study on Selected Individual Level Factors. JIMS 8M: The Journal of Indian Management and Strategy, 24(2), 12-20. ISSN 0973-9335. Link: http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:jims8m&volume=24&issue=2&article=00 2
- Ali, A. (2016). Employee Engagement in India: The Case of IT Professionals. Man in India, 96(9), 2657-2675. ISSN 0025-1569. Link: https://serialsjournals.com/abstract/20724_5.pdf
- Mitra, S. & Ali, A. (2022). Perceived Marital Satisfaction among working coupes: A study of Durgapur, West Bengal, Journal of Scientific Enquiry, 2(2), 59-66. ISSN: 2583-2352. Link: JSE EDITTED (2).pdf (skbu.ac.in)
- Ali, A. (2021). Organizational climate and adjustment among teachers: A study of private and government schools, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research, 7 (5), 26-34. ISSN 2455-2070. Link: file:///C:/Users/Amjad/Downloads/7-5-13-841.pdf
- Kumari, & Ali, A. (2020). Body Shape and Happiness among Students of Technical Institute, Journal of Indian Health Psychology, 14 (2), 61-71. ISSN 0973-5755. Link: http://globalvisionpub.com/journal-detail- issues.php?volumesno_id=74&journals_id=2&volumes_id=45
- Ali, & Patnaik, B. (2018). Influence of Organizational Climate and Organizational Culture on Psychological Well-being of Managerial Personnel. Review of Research, 8(1), 1-20. ISSN 2249- 894X. Link: http://oldror.lbp.world/UploadedData/6137.pdf
- Ali, A. & Zilli, A.S. (2014). Perception of Quality of Work Life among Managers of Private and Public Humanities and Social Science Studies, 3(1), 58-64. ISSN: 2319-829X. Link- https://hsssjournal.com/2014-vol-3-issue-1/ (UGC Care Listed).
Research Advisor / Supervisor:
- Doctoral Thesis Advisor / Supervisor : 6 (Under progress)
- Doctoral Thesis Advisor / Supervisor : 1 Awarded
- Post Graduate Thesis Advisor / Supervisor: 03 (Awarded)
Award/ Academic Recognition/ Major Professional Activity:
Research Presentations:
- Number of presentation in International Conferences/ Seminars: 13
- Number of presentation in national Conferences/ Seminars: 19
- Number of seminars/workshops/FDPs attended: 18
Membership of Academic Bodies
- Full Member, National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) India
- Full Member, Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
- Senior Advisory Editorial/ Reviewer Board, SANKALAN: The Journal of Science, Technology and Humanities. ISSN (Online): 2455-3557
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Commerce, Industry and Entrepreneurship Studies
- Member, International Academic Research Association (IARA)
- Non Net Fellowship awarded by UGC New Delhi in 2007.
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship awarded by MHRD, New Delhi in 2012.