Prof. (Dr.) Bimal Kumar Sarkar
Present Position: Professor & Dean
Department of Physics, School of Basic & Applied Sciences
E-mail: bimal.sarkar@adamasuniversity.ac.in
- Postdoc, NSYSU, Taiwan; UCLA, USA
- Ph.D., Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, India
- M.Sc., Jadavpur University, India
- A.M.I.E. (Graduate in Electrical Engineering), India
Research Key Areas:
- Computational Biophysics
- Medical Imaging
- Condensed Matter Physics
Research Highlights:
- PAE Fellowship, Taiwan, Enhancement of Micro-MRI resolution. Agric. Food Chem. 2009, 57, 18, 8213–8219.
- Academic Excellence Program, Taiwan, Application of MRS in detection of Biomarker. Front Biosci Landmark 2014, 19, 1186-201
- Study of phonon dispersion, lattice dynamics based on Density Functional Theory. Physica Scripta, 2014, 89 (7), 075704.
- NSP European Fellowship, Slovakia, Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Zr-Al-Nb Alloy. TMS 2015 144th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 713-719.
- SAIA Research Fellowship, Slovak Academy of Science. Investigation of Heat Transfer in the Porous Materials.
- Molecular sequence study based on bio-inspired Electronic Filter. nature Scientific reports, 2021, 11 (13701), 1-12.
Regular Position:
- Professor & Director (Planning), Adamas University, Kolkata, 2022 – present.
- Professor & Dean, SR University, Warangal, 2021 – 2022.
- Professor & Dean, Adamas University, Kolkata, 2018 – 2021.
- Professor & Dean, Galgotias University, Gr. Noida, 2012 -2018.
- Professor, Dept. of Physics, VIT University, Vellore, 2009 – 2012.
- Postdoctoral Fellow, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, 2005 – 2008.
- Controller, CESC, Kolkata, 1991 – 2005.
Visiting Position:
- Visiting Professor, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic, 2022.
- Visiting Professor, Institute of Materials, Slovak Univ Tech, Slovakia, 2015 – 2018.
- Visiting Professor, Slovak Academy of Science, Slovakia, 2019.
- Visiting Scholar, Max-Planck-Institut, Germany,2014.
- Visiting Scholar, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, 2008/2009.
Research Publication (s):
Detail at:
Google Scholar: Total Citation 2846, h-index: 20; i10-index: 37 https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/159907 Homepage
Selected Publication (s):
- B K Sarkar, C Chakraborty, A R Sharma, G Sharma, J-E Lee, “Determination of k-mer density in a DNA sequence and subsequent cluster formation algorithm based on the application of electronic filter”, nature Scientific Reports, 11 (Article 13701), 1-12 (2021).
- C Chakraborty, A R Sharma, B K Sarkar, G Sharma, J-E Lee, S-S Lee, “The novel strategies for next-generation cancer treatment: miRNA combined with chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of cancer”, Oncotarget, 9, 10164-10174 (2018).
- PS Deviprasadh, W Madhuri, AS Verma, BK Sarkar, “Photoacoustic Spectroscopic Study of Optical Properties of Cu2GeTe3 in Temperature Range from 80 K to 300 K “, Int J Thermophys 37, 50 (2016).
- B K Sarkar, C. Chakraborty, “DNA pattern recognition using canonical correlation algorithm”, Biosciences, 40, 709-719 (2015).
- BK Sarkar, C Chakraborty, AR Sharma, KJ Bae, G Sharma, GP Doss, Novel biomarker for prostate cancer diagnosis by MRS, Front Biosci Landmark 19, 1186-201 (2014).
- BK Sarkar, AS Verma, S Sharma, SK Kundu, First-principles calculations of the structural, phonon and thermal properties of ZnX (X= S, Se, Te) chalcogenides, Physica Scripta 89, 075704 (2014).
- C Chakraborty, CGP Doss, S Bandyopadhyay, BK Sarkar, “Mapping the structural topology of IRS family cascades through computational biology”, Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics 67, 1319-1331 (2013).
- KGS Gopinath, S Pal, P Samui, BK Sarkar, “Support Vector Machine and Relevance Vector Machine for Prediction of Alumina and Pore Volume Fraction in Bioceramics”, J. of Appl. Ceramic Techn. 10, E240-E246 (2013).
- BK Sarkar, AS Verma, S Sharma, R Bhandari, VK Jindal, “Elastic properties of chalcopyrite structured solids”, Materials Chemistry and Physics 132, 416-420 (2012).
- C Chakraborty, P Patel, G Agoramoorthy, B K Sarkar, “Information Processing in Network Architecture of Genome Controlled Signal Transduction Circuit: a Proposed Theoretical Explanation”, Theoretical biology forum, 105, 67-75 (2012).
- AS Verma, N Pal, BK Sarkar, R Bhandari, VK Jindal, “Dielectric constants of zinc-blende semiconductors”, Physica Scripta 85, 015705 (2011).
- BK Sarkar, AS Verma, PS Deviprasad, “Temperature induced band gap shrinkage in Cu2GeSe3: Role of electron–phonon interaction”, Physica B 406, 2847-2850 (2011).
- BK Sarkar, AS Verma, RC Gupta, K Singh, “Thermal and Optical Properties of Zn1-xMn xTe Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Studied by Photoacoustic Spectroscopic Method”, J. Thermophysics, 31, 620-629 (2010).
- BK Sarkar, AS Verma, RC Gupta, “Temperature dependence of elastic constants for ionic solids”, Physica B 404, 4106-4110 (2009).
- BK Sarkar, BK Chaudhuri, Photoacoustic Spectroscopic Study of Optical Band Gap of Zn1-xBexSe Semiconductors, J. Thermophysics 26, 295-303 (2005).
- BK Sarkar, AK Ghosh, BK Chaudhuri, “A photoacoustic spectroscopic investigation of the optical energy gap in Zn–Mn–Se type dilute magnetic semiconductors”, Solid state communications 113, 41-45 (1999).
- BK Sarkar, S Chatterjee, RK Mukherjee, BK Chaudhuri, “Photo-acoustic study on the thermal properties of high T c superconducting oxide Bi6 Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox”, J. Mat. Sci. Lett. 16, 1499-1502 (1997).
- PK Dey, KK Som, KR Chowdhury, BK Sarkar, BK Chaudhuri, “Heat-capacity anomalies in NaKC4H6 O6⋅4H2O studied with a conduction-type calorimeter”, Physical Review B 47, 3001 (1993).
Research Advisor / Supervisor:
- Doctoral Thesis Advisor / Supervisor: 2.
- Post / Undergraduate Thesis Advisor: 17.
Award/ Academic Recognition/ Major Professional Activity:
- DST travel recipient 2010.
- DST travel recipient 2014.
- PAEU Fellowship, NSC, Taiwan 2010.
- NSP Fellowship, Slovak Republic 2015.
- Distinguished Reviewer in Elsevier Journals, 2015.
- NSP Fellowship, Slovak Republic 2017.
- NSP Fellowship, Slovak Republic 2018.
- SAIA, European Research Fellowship, 2019.
Member in Scientific Society
- Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, India.
- National Magnetic Resonance Society, IISc., Bangalore, India.
- International Society of Magnetic Resonance, ISMAR., USA.
- Assoc. of Medical Physicists of India.
- Int. Thermophysics, Central Europe.
- International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT), Singapore.
- Indian Science Congress.
- Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society (APCBEES)