Dr. Kasturi Mukherjee
Present Position: Associate Professor & Head
Department of Geography, School of Basic & Applied Sciences
E-mail: kasturi.mukherjee@adamasuniversity.ac.in
- Ph.D., University of Calcutta
- M.A., Rabindra Bharati University
Research Key Areas:
- Urban climate
- Peri-urban development
- Urban crime
- Social development
- Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Adamas University, Since December 2020 to date
- Visiting Researcher, Stockholm Resilience Centre September 2020 – December 2020
- Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Adamas University, May 2015- September 2020
- Teaching Associate, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, June 02, 2014- May 05, 2015
- Guest Lecturer, Department of Geography, Muralidhar Girls’ College, August 2012 – May 2015
- Guest Lecturer, Department of Geography, Rani Birla Girls’ College, February 2012 – May 2014
Research Publication (s):
- Number of research papers published in International refereed journals: 4
- Number of research papers published in international peer-reviewed Scopus Proceedings: 7
- Number of invited Book-Chapters: 4
For details, visit: URL: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/160836
Selected Publication (s):
- Kasturi Mukherjee, Debika Mondal, 2022, Spatial equity in urban facility vs residents’ satisfaction: the challenge for the unplanned cities – A case study of Barasat city, India, Geojournal, Springer, Accepted
- Kasturi Mukherjee, 2019, Delineating Fringe by Global Diversity Value: A Case Study on Barasat Municipality, India, IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Computational Intelligence, pp 1-12
- Abira Dutta Roy, Munni Debnath Parial, Kasturi Mukherjee, 2020, Synergy Between Air Quality, Various Urban Forms, and Land Surface Temperature: A Case Study of Kolkata Metropolitan Area, IGI Global, Handbook of Research on Resource Management for Pollution and Waste Treatment, pp 576-609
Research Projects:
- “Assessing the Potential of River Restoration and Reconnection in the Western Ganges Delta towards Improving Freshwater Availability for Sustainable Agriculture and Mangrove Forest Ecosystem in the Indian Sundarbans”, INR 27 Lakh, Core Research Grant (CRG) from DST –2021-2023
- Sustainable Planning for Managing Health in the Changing Urban Environment – A Case Study of Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority (KMDA), West Bengal, India, Adamas University
- Micro-level planning for sustainable flood management in Ghatal block, West Medinipur, Adamas University
Research Advisor / Supervisor:
- Doctoral Thesis Advisor / Supervisor: 2 (Under progress)
- Post Graduate Thesis Advisor / Supervisor: 12 (Awarded)
Award/ Academic Recognition/ Major Professional Activity:
- Visiting Researcher, Stockholm University, 2020
- Reviewer for journals: Air, Soil and Water Research, SAGE Publication, GeoJournal, Springer
- Editor, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
- Invited Talks: 5+
- Gold Medallist, Best Paper Awardee, Teaching Excellence Awardee