Dr. Mohua Ahiri Bera
Present Position: Associate Professor
Department of English, School of Language and Literature
E-mail: mohuaa.bera@adamasuniversity.ac.in
- PhD (English) Rabindra Bharati University
- Phil. in English, Rabindra Bharati University
- M.A. in English, University of Hyderabad
Research Key Areas:
- Partition Literature
- Indian Writing in English
- Postcolonial Literature
- Migration Literature
- Environmental Humanities
Research Highlights:
- Orientation course on Migration in TISS Patna.
- Got selected for two GIAN courses and completed them successfully.
- Name of the GIAN Courses Migration and Citizenship: Comparative Perspectives on African American and Asian American Literature. (Dr. Amritjit Singh (Ohio University)
- South Asian Literature and Film (1990- Present).Dr. Ulka Anjaria (Brandeis University, USA)
- Associate Professor (Department of English Language and Literature), Adamas University, India, Jan 2021-
- Assistant Professor (Department of English Language and Literature), Adamas University, India, (3.11.2017 to 31.12.2020)
- Government Approved Part Time Teacher, Hooghly Mohsin College, Burdwan University, W.B, 2008-2017
- Part Time Teacher, Tarakeswar Degree College, (2005-2010)
Research Publication (s):
- Number of research papers published in International refereed journals: 3
- Number of research papers published in international peer-reviewed Scopus Proceedings: 0
- Number of invited Book-Chapters: 2
For Details, Visit: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/162080
Selected Publication (s):
- “Bodies of their own?: Woman as Victims in the Indian Partition” in the journal of The teacher’s Council, Tarakeswar Degree College in 2007.
- “The Emerging Contours of Gender in the Nineteenth Century: A Study of Saguna: The First Autobiographical Novel in English by an Indian Woman” in Academic Journal of Hooghly Mohsin College. Vol. 4, 1 (ISSN NO. 0973-6212) in 2009.
- “Indian Way of Thinking in U.R. Anantha Murthy’s Samskara: A Rite for a Dead Man” in Journal of Literature, Culture and Media Studies (ISSN NO. 0974-7192) in 2009.
- “Retrieving the ‘Stree Parva’ from the Annals of History in Jyotirmoyee Devi’s novel The River Churning.” in Academic Journal of Hooghly Mohsin College. Vol. 4, 2 (ISSN NO. 0973-6212) in 2010.
- “The Loss of Word and Meaning in The World of Saadat Hassan Manto” in Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies (ISSN NO. 2278 – 8808), VOL.-III/XVII Page No.3120 MAR-APR 2015.
- Crime, Punishment, and Discipline in Amitav Ghosh’s Sea of Poppies in The Criterion: An International Journal in English. (ISSN:0976-8165), VOL.–7,1 in Feb 2016.
- The History of the Dispossessed: Trauma and Testimony in Amitav Ghosh’s Hungry Tide in Emerging Trends: Indian Writing in English. (ISBN: 978-81-924236-6-1)
- Comics and History: An Appraisal of Vishwajyoti Ghosh’s Delhi Calm in Indian Writing in English: Insights, Interpretations and Illustrations. Malik and Sons Publishers and Distributers. (978-93-92459-04-7)
- Negotiating Gender, Religion and Homelessness: An Analysis of Imtiaz Dharker’s Purdha and other Poems. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts. (ISSN:2320-2882) Vol 10, Issue 4 April 2022.
Research Advisor / Supervisor:
- Doctoral Thesis Supervisor: 1 (Successfully awarded)
- Doctoral Thesis Supervisor: 2(Under progress)
- Post Graduate Thesis Advisor: 12
Award/ Academic Recognition/ Major Professional Activity:
- Life time member of IACLALS
- Lifetime member of AIFEST