Dr. Moumita Dey
Present Position: Associate Professor & HOD
Department of Physics, School of Basic & Applied Sciences
E-mail: moumita.dey@adamasuniversity.ac.in
- PhD, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
- Sc. in Physics (Specialization: Condensed Matter Physics), University of Calcutta
Research Key Areas:
- Electron and Spin Transport through mesoscale systems
- Effect of spin-orbit interaction in spin transport through nanoscale systems
- Quantum Hall Effect, Spin Hall Effect
- Thermoelectricity at nano-scale level
- Electron transport through Driven Quantum Systems
- Associate Professor (Since Jan, 2021)
- Assistant Professor (2015-2020)
- Department –In-Charge (2016-2018)
- Head of the Department (2018-Till Date)
- Research Associate, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2015
- Senior Research Fellow, 2011-2014
- Junior Research Fellow, 2009-2011
Research Publication (s):
- Number of research papers published in International refereed journals: 22
- Number of research papers published in International peer-reviewed Scopus Proceedings: 7
- Number of invited Book-Chapters: 01
For Details, Visit: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/159819
Selected Publication (s):
- Title: Engineering spin polarization in a driven multi-stranded magnetic quantum network
Author: Manik Sarkar, Moumita Dey, Santanu K. Maiti, and Shreekantha Sil
Journal Ref.: Physical Review B 102, 195435 (2020)
Indexed By: SCI, SCOPUS etc.
Impact Factor: 3.58 - Title: Spin polarization in an ac-driven magnetic material with vanishing net magnetization: A new proposal
Author: Moumita Dey, Manik Sarkar and Santanu K Maiti
Journal Ref.: Journal of Applied Physics D: Applied Physics 54, 215301 (2021)
Impact Factor: 3.2 - Title: New route to enhanced figure of merit at nano scale: effect of Aubry–Andre–Harper modulation
Author: Moumita Dey, Suvendu Chakraborty and Santanu K Maiti
Journal Ref.: Journal of Applied Physics D: Applied Physics 55, 085302 (2021)
Impact Factor: 3.2 - Title: Localization phenomena and electronic transport in irradiated Aubry-André-Harper systems
Author: Manik Sarkar, Santanu K. Maiti and Moumita Dey
Journal Ref.: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 34, 195303 (2022) - Title: Effect of dephasing on electron transport in a molecular wire: Green’s function approach
Author: Moumita Dey, Santanu K. Maiti and S. N. Karmakar
Journal Ref.: Organic Electronics 12, 1017 (2011)
Indexed By: SCI, SCOPUS,INSPEC etc.
Impact Factor: 3.31 - Title: Spin transport through a quantum network: Effects of Rashba spin-orbit interaction and Aharonov-Bohm flux
Author: Moumita Dey, Santanu K. Maiti and S. N. Karmakar
Journal Ref.: Journal of Applied Physics 109, 024304 (2011)
Indexed By: SCI, SCOPUS,
Impact Factor: 2.33 - Title: Persistent charge and spin currents in a quantum ring using Green’s function technique: Interplay between magnetic flux and spin-orbit interaction
Author: Santanu K. Maiti, Moumita Dey and S. N. Karmakar
Journal Ref.: Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 64, 169 (2014).
Indexed By: SCI, SCOPUS, INSPEC etc.
Impact Factor: 3.57 - Title: New proposal for efficient energy conversion in a molecular junction with multiple loops
Author: Santanu K. Maiti and Moumita Dey
Journal Ref.: Chemical Physics Letters 731, 136601 (2019).
Indexed By: SCI, SCOPUS, INSPEC etc.
Impact Factor: 2.09 - Title: Can a helical molecule be an efficient functional element to meet the present requirement of thermoelectric efficiency?
Author: Moumita Dey, Salma Farhana Aman and Santanu K. Maiti
Journal Ref.: Europhysics Letters 126, 27003 (2019)
Indexed By: SCI, SCOPUS, INSPEC etc.
Impact Factor: 1.96 - Title: Spin Hall effect in a kagome lattice driven by Rashba spin-orbit interaction
Author: Moumita Dey, Santanu K. Maiti and S. N. Karmakar
Journal Ref.: Journal of Applied Physics 112, 024322 (2012).
Indexed By: SCI, SCOPUS,
Impact Factor: 2.33
Research Advisor / Supervisor:
- Doctoral Thesis Advisor / Supervisor : 1 (Under progress)
- Post Graduate Thesis Advisor / Supervisor: 6 (Awarded)
- Undergraduate Dissertation Supervisor : 3
Award/ Academic Recognition/ Major Professional Activity:
- Editor in International Journal and Conference Proceedings
- Member, Academic Council, Adamas University
- Member, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Adamas University
- Member of Faculty and Staff Mobility program in May, 2022 in collaboration with Bath Spa University, UK as part of ERASMUS + project, funded by European Union.