Dr. Nav Kumar Mahato
Present Position: Associate Professor & Head
Department of Mathematics, School of Basic & Applied Sciences
E-mail: navkumar.mahato@adamasuniversity.ac.in
- PhD (Applied Mathematics), IIT(ISM) Dhanbad
- Phil. (Applied Mathematics), IIT(ISM) Dhanbad
- Sc. (Mathematics and Computing) IIT(ISM) Dhanbad
Research Key Areas:
- Hydrodynamics dispersion
- Solute transport in Aquifer
- Mathematical Modelling
- Aquifer Mapping
- Sediment Transport
- Biological Modelling
- Associate Professor & Head (Department of Mathematics), School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Adamas University, India, December, 2018-
- Associate Professor & Departmental In-Charge (Department of Mathematics), School of Science, Adamas University, India, August, 2018- November, 2018
- Assistant Professor & Departmental In-Charge (Department of Mathematics), School of Science, Adamas University, India, July, 2015- July, 2018
- Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, C V Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, August, 2013- June, 2015
- Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, NSHM Knowledge Campus, Durgapur, West Bengal, India, August, 2011- July, 2015
- Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Bengal College of Engineering and Technology, Durgapur, West Bengal, India, January, 2010- July, 2011
- Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Bengal College of Engineering and Technology, Durgapur, West Bengal, India, July, 2008- December, 2009
Research Publication (s):
- Number of research papers published in International refereed journals: 08
- Number of research papers published in National/International peer-reviewed Proceedings: 08
For Details, Visit: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/159854
Selected Publication (s):
International Journals
- Singh M K, Mahato N K and Singh P (2008), Longitudinal dispersion with time dependent source concentration in semi-infinite aquifer, Earth System Science (JESS), Springer, Vol.117, no.6, pp 945-949.
- Singh M K, Mahato N K and Singh P (2011), Longitudinal dispersion with constant Source Concentration along unsteady Groundwater Flow in Finite Aquifer: Analytical Solution with Pulse Type Boundary condition, Natural Science, Vol.3, No.3, pp 186-192, DOI: 10.4236/ns.2011.33024.
- Singh M K, Mahato N K and Kumari, P (2011), Comparative study of analytical solutions for time-dependent solute transport along unsteady groundwater flow in semi-infinite aquifer, J. Geosciences, 2(4), pp 457- 467, DOI:10.4236/ijg.2011.24048.
- Singh M K, Mahato N K and Singh V P (2013), Analytical Approach to One-dimensional Solute Dispersion along and against Transient Groundwater flow in Aquifer Systems, Groundwater Research Series(AGGS), vol. 2, no. 1, pp 65-78.
- Singh M K, Kumari, P and Mahato N K (2013), Two Dimensional Solute Transport in Finite Homogeneous Porous formation, J. Geo. Earth Environ. Sci. (CiBTech), vol. 3 no.2, pp35-48.
- Singh M K, Mahato N K, and Kumar N (2015), Pollutant’s horizontal dispersion along and against sinusoidally varying velocity from a pulse type point source, Acta Geophysica Versita (Springer), 63(1), pp. 214-231. DOI: 10.2478/s11600-014-0244-3 Impact factor: 1.365.
- Mahato, N K , Begam, S, Pintu Das and Singh, M K(2015), Two-dimensional Solute Dispersion Along and Against the Unsteady Groundwater Flow in Aquifer, Groundwater Research, vol.3, 4/1, pp-44-67.
- Roy, R, Samanta S, Patra S, Mahato N K, and Saha R (2018), In silico identification and characterization of sensory motifs in the transcriptional regulators of ArsR-SmtB family, Metallomics (Royal Society of Chemistry), vol.10, pp1476–1500. DOI: 10.1039/C8MT00082D
Conference Proceeding:
- Singh M K and Mahato N K (2006), Analytical solution for horizontal dispersion along unsteady groundwater flow in semi-infinite aquifer, Proceedings of The Mathematical Society, H.U., Varanasi, Vo1.22, pp 25-31.
- Singh M K, Singh P and Mahato N K (2007), Solute transport model with time dependent source concentration in aquifer, Proceedings of National Seminar on Modern Trends in Geophysical Sciences and Techniques, ISMU, Dhanbad, 12-14 Nov., pp 215-218.
- Singh M K, Mahato N K and Ahamad S (2011), Solute transport Model with transient Groundwater Flow in Homogeneous Semi-infinite Aquifer: Analytical Solution, Proceeding of international Seminar on Recent Advances in Geosciences, ISM, Dhanbad, 11-13 Jan.,
- Singh M K and Mahato N K (2012), Analytical modeling of solute transport in homogeneous porous media with Cauchy type boundary condition, International Conference of RAIT, IEEE Explore, pp903-908. DOI:10.1109/RAIT.2012.6194587.
- Singh M K, Mahato N K and Singh V P(2012), Analytical Approach to Solute Dispersion along and against Transient Groundwater flow in a Homogeneous Finite Aquifer: Pulse Type Boundary Conditions, Earth and Space,(ASCE), pp796-808, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/9780784412190.086
- Singh M K and Mahato N K (2012), Two Dimensional Solute Transports for Temporally Dependent Source Concentration in Semi-Infinite Aquifer, proceeding of International Conference on Modeling and simulation of Diffusive Processes and Applications(ICMSDPA-12), pp 39-43.
- Mahato, N K and Singh, M. K.(2013), Comparative study of 2-D solute transport with temporally dependent source concentration in homogeneous porous media, Proceeding of Recent Advances in Mathematics and its Applications(RAMA), pp122-132.
- Mahato N K, Singh M K and Begam S(2014), Temporally Dependent Solute Dispersion with Cauchy-type Boundary Condition in homogeneous semi-infinite Aquifer, proceeding of International conference on modelling and Simulation of Diffusive Processes and Applications (ICMSDPA-14), pp 33-39.
- Singh R K, Mahato N K, Das P, and Singh M K (2019), Solute dispersion along and against the groundwater flow in two-dimensional finite aquifer, Proceedings of the National Conference on Frontiers in Modern Physics (NCFMP-2018), AIP Conf. Proc. 2072, pp-020010-1–020010-6; https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5090250
Research Advisor / Supervisor:
- Doctoral Thesis Advisor / Supervisor : 1 (Under progress)
Award/ Academic Recognition/ Major Professional Activity:
- Reviewer of Pollution Journal
- Reviewer of Journal of Groundwater Research
- ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
- Hydrological Sciences Journal