Dr. Rajib Sarkar
Present Position: Assistant Professor
Department of Geography, School of Basic & Applied Sciences
E-mail: rajib.sarkar@adamasuniversity.ac.in
- PhD (Science), (The University of Burdwan)
- A in Geography
- PGD in Geoinformatics (Jadavpur University)
- PGD in Urban Planning and Management (University of Calcutta)
Research Key Areas:
- Urban Forestry
- Urban Ecosystem Service
- Machine learning
- Anthropogeomorphology
- Geostatistics
Research Highlights:
- Best Paper award in GSDEO, 2021
- Best Poster presentation in National Science Day, 2018
- Received University Seed Grand for research project implementation.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Adamas University, India, 2017-
- Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography, University of Kalyani, 2014-2017
- Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography, Diamond Harbour Women’s University, 2015-2017
- Resource Person, Jadavpur University, 2016-2017.
Research Publication (s):
- Number of research papers published in International refereed journals: 13
- Number of invited Book-Chapters: 1
Selected Publication (s):
- Biswas, D., & Sarkar, R. (2022) Rise of marigold floriculture, a new stirring door walk through economic, social, and entertainment factors in Eastern India: a combined approach of multi-group structural equation modeling and cluster analyses. Qual Quant https://doi.org/10.1007/s11135-022-01347-3. Springer Nature.
- Das, S. & Sarkar, R. (2020) Monitoring and evaluating the spatiotemporal variations of the water quality of a stretch of the Bhagirathi-Hugli River, West Bengal, India, using geospatial technology and integrated statistical methods. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, doi.org/10.1007/s11356-020-11655-6, Springer Nature.
- Biswas, D., & Sarkar, R. (2020). Impact of soil chemical properties on marigold production in Ranaghat-II, Nadia, India. Spatial Information Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s41324-020-00347-5, Springer Nature
- Das S & Sarkar R (2019) Impact of brickfields on soil quality of agricultural land along the Bhagirathi-Hugli river basin, West Bengal, India, Spatial Information Research, Vol: 28, No: 4, https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s41324-019-00304-x, Springer Nature.
- Das, S. & Sarkar, R. (2019) Predicting land use and land cover change using Markov model: A case study of Bhagirathi – Hugli river basin, Spatial Information Research, Vol: 27, No: 4 https://doi.org/10.1007/s41324-019-00251-7, Springer Nature.
- Sarkar, R. (2016) Estimation of Land Surface Temperature Based on Landsat 8 Data: A Case Study of Burdwan Municipality, Geographical Review of India, Vol. 78, No. 4, pp. 367-377, ISSN No: 0975-833X
- Sarkar, R. & Sivarakrishnan, L, (2016) Measurement of land surface temperature and its relation with vegetation Cover: A case study of Kolkata Municipal Corporation International Journal Of Current Research, Page : 24820-24825 ISSN No: 0975-833X
- Sivarakrishnan, L., Pahari, D.P & Sarkar, R. (2012) The role of urban forest in making cities sustainable Proceedings of UGC sponsored State Level seminer on environmental Degradation and Strategies for conservation and Management at Krishnagore Govt. College, Nadia, West Bengal. Pages: 8-12
- Sivarakrishnan, L. & Sarkar, R. (2011) Urban sprawl and its impact on Environment: A Case study of Kolkata. Practising Geographer Volume: 15 No:2 ISSN No: 0975-3850
- Sarkar, R. & Mondal, (2010) Women Empowerment in West Bengal: A Geographical Study, Indian Journal of Landscape Systems and Ecological Studies, Volume: 33 No:2 Pages: 339-344 ISSN No: 0971-4170
- Mondal, M. & Sarkar, R. (2010) Urban Growth in relation to Geomorphology: A Study of Tiruchirapalli City, Tamil Nadu, Indian Journal of Landscape Systems and Ecological Studies, Volume: 33 No:1 Pages: 373-380 ISSN No: 0971-4170
Research Projects:
- “Modelling of Future Urban Landscape using Machine Learning Approach: A Case Study of Agartala, Tripura, India” INR 2 lakh, Funded by Adamas University.
Research Advisor / Supervisor:
- Doctoral Thesis Advisor / Supervisor : 4 (Under progress)
- Doctoral Thesis Advisor / Supervisor : 2 (1 Awarded, 1 Submitted)
- Post Graduate Thesis Advisor / Supervisor: 6 (Awarded)
Award/ Academic Recognition/ Major Professional Activity:
- Awarded Junior Research Fellowship (CSIR-UGC), 2009.
- Awarded Senior Research Fellowship (CSIR-UGC), 2013.