Dr. Rakesh Das
Present Position: Professor (Pharmacology)
Dept. of Pharmaceutical Technology, School of Medical Sciences
E-mail: rakesh1.das@adamasuniversity.ac.in
- Ph.D (Pharmaceutical Technology), Jadavpur University
- M.Pharm. in Clinical Pharmacology, Jadavpur University
- B.Pharm in Pharmacy, Tripura University (Central Govt. University)
Research Key Areas:
- Drug interactions, Adverse Drug Reactions, Therapeutic Drug monitoring.
- Clinical Research & Bio-molecular evaluation study.
- Transient Energy neuro-hormonal control study.
- Detoxification and HQoL regulation efforts.
Research Highlights:
- Neuro-modulatory bio- molecular regulation and psychotic study.
- Clinical investigation and trials.
- Professor, Adamas University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, 2023-
- Professor & Head of Pharmaceuticl Sciences, , Dayananda Sagar University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 2021- 2022
- Professor, Lovely University, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, 2018-19
- Assistant Professor, King Khalid University, Abha, Aseer, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2012-2015
- Assistant Professor, Teerthankar Mahaveer University, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2015-2018
- Assistant Professor, IPS College of Pharmacy, Gwalior, MP, India, 2009- 2015.
Research Publication (s):
- Number of research papers published in International refereed journals: 30
- Number of proceedings in international/National conferences: 05
- Number Books : 01
- Number of patents: 05
For Details, Visit: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/337489
Selected Publication (s):
- Rakesh Das, Dhibar S., Sarkar, S., Bachhar, J., & Roy, R. Instant energy stimulant nutraceutical cube formulation: Low endothermic promoting booster milk drink. International Journal of Health Sciences, 2022; 6 (S1): 5540-5546. https://doi.org/10.53730/ijhs.v6nS1.6107. SCOPUS-INDEX H-index-12IF- 2.96
- Dr. Rakesh Das; Rajat Sen; Neelmani Kashyap; Tanshavi Chauhan. Crashing of psychological state of pharmacy students on corona disaster, dwindle economy: sabotaging students career by policy makers in India. Journal of Positive school Psychology, 2022; 6(4): 5183- 5195 SCOPUS-INDEX.
- Rakesh Das, Mohd. Almas Khan, Sourav Dhibar, Krishnendu Roy, Kousik Mahanti. Evaluation of therapeutic efficacy of gastrointestinal disorder through developed supra spinal flux neuron- impulsion detection device. Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, July, 2022; 65(3): 77-87. SCOPUS-INDEX. DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.6806424
- Dr. Rakesh Das*; Krishnendu Ray2; Lopamudra Chakravarty2; Atreyee Ganguly2; Shayeri Chatterjee Ganguly2Pico metallic reinforced molecular innovated hair gel against microbial and parasitic manifestation: Clinical investigation under COVID era. NeuroQuantology, (2022). SCOPUS-indexed.
- Rakesh Das, Dr. (Prof.)Tapan Kr. Pal. Validation of Liquid Chromatography- Tandem Mass spectrometry for Mevalonate in human Plasma: Incompetent effects between treated Aorvastatin & its combination with Olmesartan in Cardiovascular Patients. Journal of Young Pharmacists. 2014; 6(2):50-57.[PubMed].
- Rakesh Das, Subhasis Dan, Dr.(Prof.) Tapan Kr. Pal. Method development and validation of LCMS/MS for Aldosterone in human Plasma: Application to drug interaction study of Atorvastatin & Olmesartan Combination. Journal of Adv. Pharm. Tech. Research. 2014; 5(3), 108-114. [PubMed]
- Rakesh Das, Dr.(Prof.) Tapan Kr. Pal. Method Development & Validation of Liquid Chromatography- Tandem mass Spectrometry for Angiotensin-II in human plasma: Application to study interaction between Atorvastatin & Olmesartan drug Combination. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2015, 30, pages- 334–344. (DOI:10.1007/s12291-014-0457-x) [Springer].
- Rakesh Das, Dr.(Prof.) Tapan Kr. Pal. Assessment of Endocrinal &Biochemical entities through LCMS/MS: Inter-relative investigation of interaction based Cardiovascular formulation. Journal of Pharmacy & Bio-allied Sciences, 7(1); 2015: 49-55. [PubMed].
- Rakesh Das, Dr. (Prof.) Tapan Kr. Pal. Endorsement of small patients population study through data mining classification: Significance to manifest Drug interaction study of Cardiovascular dosage formulation. IJPPS, 6(8); 2014: 117-122. [IF-0.924] [Innovare Academic Sciences]
- Rakesh Das, Dr. (Prof.) Tapan Kr. Pal. Method development and validation of LCMS/MS for Atorvastatin & Olmesartan in human plasma to trace drug interaction of formulation. Current Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2015; 11(1): 43-52. [IF-0.771] [Benthan Sciences]
- Rakesh Das, Dr. Tapan Kumar Pal. Assessment of endogenous biochemical composites emphasizing drug interaction of Cardiovascular combined dosage formulation in Marketed product. Journal of Pharmacovigilance, 2014; 2(6): 2-6. (doi: 10.4172/2329- 6887.1000150) [OMICS]
Research Projects:
- M.PHARM: 17 Pharm. D. – 25 PhD – 2 (02 ongoing)
Research Patents:
- Development of single Super-Antibiotics Against entire expected Super-infections and process thereof. Patent Application Number- 202011051496; Publication Number- 49/2020; Publication Date 04/12/2020.
- Novel Electro- thermal Transdermal Device and Process thereof. Patent Application Number- 202111033082; Publication Number- 42/2021; Publication Date 15/10/2021.
- A novel Formulation of Panax Sokpayensis and process thereof. Patent Application Number- 202111040217; Publication Number- 21/2022; Publication Date 06/09/2021.
- Air Condition auto regulated Jacket through transdermal drug delivery system through cold diffusion Techniques. Patent Application Number- 202241049103; Publication Number- 40/2022; Publication Date 28/08/2022.
- Time-specific anti-psychotic & COVID shield aromatherapy: Through designed electromagnetic pendant device. Filing process.
Award/ Academic Recognition/ Major Professional Activity:
- Life-membership achievement awards, as 11 years active volunteer at RAMKRISHNA Mission, 21/05/2021.
- Vasu Narayan Award, Best Orator award “Limitation of clinical Approaches on modern therapy”, 2021.