Dr. Saheli Guha Neogi Ghatak
Present Position: Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology, School of Liberal Arts and Culture Studies
E-mail: sahelign.ghatak@adamasuniversity.ac.in
- Ph.D (Sociology), University of Calcutta
- M.A (Sociology)
Research Key Areas:
- Sociology of Aging
- Rural Sociology
- Urban Sociology
- Sociology of Change and Development
- Assistant Professor and Cluster Head, Department of Sociology, Adamas University, India, 2017-2019 and 2021-till date
- Guest Lecturer, West Bengal State University, West Bengal, India, 2015-2016
- Research Fellow, Department of Sociology, University of Calcutta, West Bengal, India, 2011- 2015
Research Publication (s):
- Number of research papers published in international refereed journals: 03
- Number of research papers published in national Journals: 05
- Number of invited Book-Chapters: Books: 03
For Details, Visit:
Selected Publication (s):
- Edited- BookDigitization of Economy and Society-Emerging Paradigm –edited by Sudeshna Basu Mukherjee, Dr. saheli Guha Neogi Ghatak and Dr. Nilanjan Ray, Apple Academic Press, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2021; ISBN: 978-1-77463-028-0 (hbk),ISBN: 978-1-00318-747-9 (ebk), ISBN: 978-1-77463-910-8 (pbk)
- Trajectories of Demographic Transition: The Challenges for elderly in India –Book chapter in Book- Economic Growth and Demographic Transition in Third World Nations: A Chaos and Complexity Theory Perspective, Edited by Sefika şule erçetin and Dr. Nilanjan Ray; AAP, Tailor and Francis group., 2019, ISBN- 9780429433894 (2021)
- Book Chapter- Quality of Life of Elderly Women in Kolkata during COVID 19 Pandemic in Book- Gendered Experiences of COVID-19 in India, ISBN-978-3-030-85334-1, 513220_1, Edited by Irene George and Moly Kuruvilla (Eds), Springer Nature, Palgrave Macmillan. (2022)
- Dimensions of Eldercare and Quality of Life of Elderly in Old Age Home in Kolkata in Edited Book-“Sino-India Elder Care and Filial Piety” edited by Longtao He and Jagriti Gangopadhyay, Routledge, Tailor and Francis group (2022), Routledge Studies on Asia in the World – Book Series – Routledge & CRC Press
- Dengue Menace Posing A Threat To The Civic Body In Kolkata: A Sociological Inquiry Abhishek Mondal, PhD Scholar and Saheli Guha Neogi Ghatak, Assistant Professor Department of Sociology, Adamas University in JETIR September 2020, Volume 7, Issue 9 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162) (2021)
- Impact of Lockdown on Dengue in Kolkata: A Socio-Ecological Study Abhishek Mondal, PhD Scholar and Saheli Guha Neogi Ghatak, Eco. Env. & Cons. 28 (February Suppl. Issue) : 2022; pp. (S125-S127) Copyright@ EM International ISSN 0971–765X;DOI No.: http://doi.org/10.53550/EEC.2022.v28i02s.020 (2021)
- Old Age Policies And Its Veiled Realties – The Case Study of Assam; Anvesak; Vol-51, NoXI, ISSN-0378-4568 (2021)
- Book Chapter-Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic and Lockdown on Elderly People in Kolkata- Priyanshi Garodia and Dr. Saheli Guha Neogi Ghatak in Book- ” Reviving Humanity during Pandemic in India” Edited by Shreya Chakrabaty, T.Sathyakala and Sunil K. Mishra; Upanayan Publisher (2021)
- Trajectories of Language and Identity Politics among Tribals in India by Saheli Guha Neogi Ghatak in Book in Framework of Language, Literature and Communication by Dr. G. Suneetha Bai, Dr. Hemamalini N and Dr. V. Kanchana. Publisher: Authors Press (2021)
- Attitude of Young People towards the Elderly-A Sociological Investigation by Saheli Guha Neogi Ghatak in Book Approach to Educational Research Arena by Dr. Roshni Merry Peter and Riya Merry Petter. Publisher: National Press, India, Singapore and Malaysia (2021)
Research Advisor / Supervisor:
- Doctoral Thesis Advisor / Supervisor : 4 (Under progress)
- Post Graduate Thesis Advisor / Supervisor: 04 (Awarded)