Dr. Sumit Som
Present Position: Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics, School of Basic & Applied Sciences
E-mail: sumit1.som@adamasuniversity.ac.in
- D in Science from Jadavpur University, India.
- Sc. in Mathematics from Jadavpur University, India.
- Sc. in Mathematics (Honours) from Jadavpur University, India.
Research Key Areas:
- Functional analysis
- Topology
- Fixed point theory
- Sequence, series, summability
- Assistant Professor at department of Mathematics, School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Adamas University, India from 15th September 2020 to continue.
- Research Associate at department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology Durgapur, India from 18th July 2018-14th September 2020.
- Research Associate at Department of Mathematics, School of Science, Adamas University, India from 9th March 2018-16th July 2018.
Research Publication (s):
- Number of research papers published in International refereed journals: 20
For Details, Visit: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/166895
Selected Publication (s):
- Sumit Som, Adrian Petrusel, Lakshmi Kanta dey, Some remarks on the metrizability of some metric-like structures, Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 37 (2) 265-272 (2021).
- Sumit Som, Lakshmi Kanta dey, Wutiphol Sintunavarat, Cantor’s intersection theorem in the setting of F-metric spaces, Fixed point theory, 23 (1) 385-390 (2022).
- Sudeshna Basu, Lakshmi Kanta dey, Sumit Som, Farthest point problem and partial statistical continuity in normed linear spaces, Quaestiones Mathematicae, 45 (4) 595-604 (2022).
- Sumit Som, Ashis Bera, Lakshmi Kanta dey, Some remarks on the metrizability of $\mathcal{F}$- metric spaces, Journal of Fixed Point theory and Applications, 22 (1) Article 17 (2020).
- Sumit Som, Adrian Petrusel, Hiranmoy Garai, Lakshmi Kanta dey, Journal of Fixed Point theory and Applications, 21 (4) Article 94 (2019).
- Sumit Som, Ekrem Savas, A note on Farthest point problem in Banach spaces, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 20 (2) 1237-1243 (2019).
- Pratulananda Das, Sanjoy Ghosal, Avishek Ghosh, Sumit Som, Characterization of rough weighted statistical limit set, Mathematica Slovaca, 68 (4) 881-896 (2018).
- Sanjoy Ghosal, Sumit Som, Different behaviors of rough weighted statistical limit set under unbounded moduli, Filomat, 32 (7) 2583-2600 (2018).
- Pratulananda Das, Sanjoy Ghosal, Sumit Som, Different types of quasi weighted $\alpha\beta$ statistical convergence in probability, Filomat, 31 (5) 1463-1473 (2017).
- Sumit Som, A generalization of the density zero ideal, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2, 70 (2) 1037-1039 (2021).
- Sumit Som, A remark on the paper “A note on the paper Best proximity point results for $p$-proximal contractions”, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 166 (1) 103-106 (2022).
- Sumit Som, Supriti Laha, Adrian Petrusel, Lakshmi Kanta Dey, Best proximity point results on arbitrary topological spaces and the Banach contraction principle revisited, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 23 (1) 67-85 (2022).
Research Advisor / Supervisor:
Undergraduate thesis Advisor-1
Award/ Academic Recognition/ Major Professional Activity:
- UGC Junior research fellowship (NET) in December 2012.
- UGC Junior research fellowship (NET) in June 2013.
- CSIR RA Post-doctoral fellowship in July 2018.
- Reviewer for the journal “Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods”, Taylor & Francis.
- Reviewer for the journal “Applications and applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM)”.