Dr. Syed Tabrez Hassan
Present Position: Associate Professor
Department of Business and Economics, School of Business and Economics
E-mail: syed.hassan@adamasuniversity.ac.in
- PhD (e-commerce), Lovely Professional University, Punjab
- MBA, IBS Hyderabad
- Tech, University of Bangalore
Research Key Areas:
- e-commerce
- Business Analytics
- Branding
- Strategy Management
- Corporate Restructuring
- Business of Sports.
- 08/2022- Present Associate Professor Adamas University, Kolkata
- 06/2022-08/2022 Associate Professor NSHM, Durgapur
- 07/2010-06/2022 Assistant Professor LPU, Punjab
- 5/2008-12/2009 Sales Manager ICICI Lombard GIC, Hyderabad
- 4/2007-5/2008 Relationship Manager CBoP Bank, Hyderabad
Research Publication (s):
- Introduction to Fintech: An Indian Perspective, published in LangLit (ISSN 2349-5189) under Multidisciplinary National Conference on “Vision for India @ 2047, organized by ICSSR, New Delhi, (Feb 2022).
- A Study of Impulse Buying Behaviour of Online Shoppers based on Multi-Brand Online Websites, published in proceedings of international conference in ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad. (ISBN 9789392377990) (Jan, 2022).
- Chapter titled A Study of Transactions Based Risk and Customer Perception Based on Online Shopping in India, published in book Resilience & Reinvention of Business in the VUCA World. (ISBN 9789391765231) (Dec, 2021).
- Book chapter Use of technology in Agri-business: Introduction to Agri-commerce, published in The new normal in management, social sciences & economic development, Amity University. (Nov, 2020)
- An analysis of strikers ranking in Barclays premier league football using multi-criterion decision making approach, International Journal of Yogic, Human Movement and Sports Sciences, vol. 2 issue 3. (UGC Indexed) (Nov 2018)
- The Top Online Financial Services Provider: Perception Among Indian Buyers, Zenith International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol 8, Issue 10. (UGC indexed) (Oct 2018)
- Factors Affecting Consumer Awareness for Bitcoins as an Investment among Indians, International Journal of Research in Applied Management, Science & Technology, Vol III, Issue II. (UGC indexed) (June 2018)
- A study of selection of Indian e-commerce websites for online shopping alternatives among youth using hierarchical TOPSIS, journal titled “International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, (Scopus Indexed) Vol.15 (Jan, 2018)
- A Study of Factors Influencing Buying Behaviour of Over-the-Counter Medicine Among the Users of Punjab, Abhinav-National Monthly Refereed Journal of Research in Commerce & Management (Online ISSN 2277-1166), Jan 2018. Vol 7, No.1 (UGC indexed)
- Chapter titled Consumer’s perceived value, attitude and purchase intention towards green food products in Punjab in book proceeding “Strategies for Global Competitiveness and Economic Growth”, 2017, (ISBN-9789387034013)
- A Study of Key-Drivers Affecting Usage of Electronic Payment for Online Purchase among Youth in Punjab, International Research Journal of Human Resources and Social Sciences, Associated Asia Research Foundation (AARF), Vol. 4, Issue 6, June 2017 (UGC Indexed)
- Emerging Trends in Instant Messaging usage among the Generation Y for enhancing connectivity, International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, Vol.14 (2016) Issue No. :7 (2016) (Scopus indexed)
- Creating Blue Ocean Strategy: A case study of ZipDial, GE- International Journal of Management Research (GE-IJMR), Nov 2014
- A study of customer perception of youth towards branded fashion apparels in Jalandhar City, ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Retail management, Apr 2014(UGC indexed)
- A study of changing trends in customer loyalty program in India, International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering, Oct 2013
- Online Travel Agencies: Selling through opaque fares, South Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research, March 2013
Indian Retail: Learning from failures, International Journals of Marketing and Technology, Jan 2013
Award/ Academic Recognition/ Major Professional Activity:
- Published book “Short Cases for Business studies” – A book of case study: ISBN number – 9781545702963 in July 2017
- Completed Case Method Teaching Seminar jointly conducted by Harvard Business Publishing, USA and IIM Ahmedabad, India. May 2015
- Completed 7-day workshop on Data Analytics using R from Fore School of Management (2016)
- Completed FDP on “Strategic Change and Transformation” conducted by IIM Lucknow. 24 Feb – 01 Mar 2014
- Workshop attended on “Digital Marketing & Branding”, held at Lovely Professional University, 14, Nov 2010