Dr. Tanmoy Kumar Dey
Present Position: Assistant Professor
Department of Chemsitry, School of Basic & Applied Sciences
E-mail: tanmoy1.dey@adamasuniversity.ac.in
- PhD (Sc), University of Calcutta
- Sc. in Environmental Science, University of Calcutta
Research Key Areas:
- Natural Product Chemistry
- Nanoemulsion Biodelivery
- Anti-inflammatory applications of Natural nutraceuticals
- Applied microbiology
Research Highlights:
- Best Presentation award 2022 in 2nd International Conferenceon Transforming Ripples in Healthcare Research: Obstacles, Sustenance & Cutting-edge innovations, organized by School of Medical Sciences, Adamas University in collaboration with Central Ayurveda Research Institute (CCRAS), Ministry of AYUSH.
- Senior Research Fellowship in Trans-disciplinary Research Category (Sanction no.: 09/ 028 (0926)/ 2014-EMR-I, dated: 07/08/2014), by Council Scientific and Industrial Research, India
- Assistant Professor (Environmental Science), Dept of Chemistry, SOBAS, Adamas University, India, 2021-
- Post-doctoral fellow, ICMR Post-doctoral fellow, ICMR-NICED, Kolkata, 2017 – 2021.
Research Publication (s):
- Number of research papers published in International refereed journals: 16
- Number of research papers published in International peer-reviewed Scopus Proceedings: 15
- Number of invited Book-Chapters: 5.
For Details, Visit: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/201969
Selected Publication (s):
- D T.K., Ghosh. S, Ghosh. M, Koley. H and Dhar. P, 2012; Comparative Study of Gastrointestinal Absorption of EPA & DHA Rich Fish Lipid Oil from Nano and Conventional emulsion Formulation in Rats. Food Research International, 49, 72-79.
- Sengupta, A.; Dey, T.; Ghosh, M.; Ghosh, J. and Ghosh, S. 2012; Enzymatic Synthesis of Furfuryl Alcohol Ester with Oleic Acid by Candida antarctica Lipase B and Its Kinetic Study. Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series E (Chemical and Textile Engineering). 93, 31-36.
- Paul, D.; Dey, T.K.; Mukherjee, S.; Ghosh, M. & Dhar, P. 2014; Comparative prophylactic effects of α-eleostearic acid rich nano and conventional emulsions in induced diabetic rats. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(9), 1724-36.
- Dey, T.K., Banerjee, P., Bakshi, M., Ghosh A. and Ghosh, S. 2014 Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in West Bengal: Current Scenario, Effects and Probable Ways of Mitigation. International Letters of Natural Sciences, 13, 45-58.
- Chatterjee, R., Dey, T.K., Ghosh, M., Dhar, P. 2015; Enzymatic Modification of Sesame Seed Protein, Sourced from Waste Resouorces for Nutraceutical Application. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 94, 70-81.
- Banerjee, P., Dey, T.K., Sarkar, S., Swarnakar, S., Mukhopadhyay, A., Ghosh, S. 2016; Treatment of cosmetic effluent in different configurations of ceramic UF membrane based bioreactor: toxicity evaluation of the untreated and treated wastewater using catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis). Chemosphere, 146, 133-144.
- Dey, T.K., Banerjee, P., Chatterjee, R. and Dhar, P. 2018. Designing of ω-3 PUFA enriched biocompatible nanoemulsion with sesame protein isolate as a natural surfactant: Focus on enhanced shelf-life stability and biocompatibility. Colloids and Surfaces A, Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 538, 36-44.
- Dey, T.K., Koley, H., Ghosh, M., Dey, S. and Dhar, P., 2019. Effects of nano-sizing on lipid bioaccessibility and ex vivo bioavailability from EPA-DHA rich oil in water nanoemulsion. Food Chemistry, 275(1), 135-142.
- Dey, T.K., Maiti, I., Chakraborty, S., Ghosh, M. and Dhar, P., 2019. Enzymatic synthesis of lipophilic lutein–PUFA esters and assessment of their stabilization potential in EPA–DHA rich fish oil matrix. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56(5), pp.2345-2354.
- Chatterjee, R., Dey, T.K., RoyChowdhury, A., Paul, D., and Dhar, P. 2020. Enzymatically excised Oligopeptides from Bellamya bengalensis shows Potent Antioxidative and Anti-Hypertensive Activity. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57, 2586–2601.
- Das, S., Dey, T.K., De, A., Banerjee, A., Chakraborty, S., Das, B., Mukhopadhyay, A.K., Mukherjee, B. and Samanta, A., 2021. Antimicrobial loaded gum odina-gelatin based biomimetic spongy scaffold for accelerated wound healing with complete cutaneous texture. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 606, p.120892.
- Dey, T.K., Chatterjee, R., Mandal, R.S., Roychoudhury, A., Paul, D., Roy, S., Pateiro, M., Das, A.K., Lorenzo, J.M. and Dhar, P., 2021. ACE Inhibitory Peptides from Bellamya bengalensis Protein Hydrolysates: In Vitro and In Silico Molecular Assessment. Processes, 9(8), p.1316.
Award/ Academic Recognition/ Major Professional Activity:
- Life Member of Oil Technologists’ Association of India (Membership ID: OTAI/LM/EZ/109).
- Life Member of Nutrition Society of India (Membership ID: LM-2015-024).
- Annual Member of Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (Membership ID: 68988504).