Dr. Soumik Sarkar
Present Position: Assistant Professor
Department of Economics, School of Business and Economics
E-mail: soumik.sarkar@adamasuniversity.ac.in
- PhD, Dept. of Economics, University of Calcutta (thesis submitted).
- Phil in Economics (First Class First), University of Calcutta
- Sc in Economics, University of Calcutta
- Diploma in French Language (DELF B1, A2, A1), Ministry of National Education, France.
- Qualified National Eligibility Test (NET), UGC.
Research Key Areas:
- Political Economy
- Development Economics
- Globalization
- Macroeconomics
- Indian Economy
- PhD Coordinator, Department of Economics, Adamas University, 2020-2021.
- Nominated Member, Faculty Council, Department of Economics, Adamas University, 2019-2021.
- Member, Industry-Academia Interface Cell, School of Business & Economics, Adamas University, 2020-2021.
- Member, Library Committee, School of Business & Economics, Adamas University, 2020-2022.
- NAAC Coordinator, Department of Economics, Adamas University, 2019-2020.
Research Publication (s):
Selected Publication (s):
- Sarkar, Soumik, and Anjan Chakrabarti. 2022. “Rethinking the Formation of Public Distribution System: A Class-Focused Approach” Review of Radical Political Economics 54(1): 26–43.
- Sarkar, Soumik, and Anjan Chakrabarti. 2019. “Diversity in Economics: An Examination and Defense of Heterodox Approach.” In Research Methodology for Social Sciences, edited by Nandan Bhattacharya, Rajat Acharyya, 32-75. London: Routledge India.
- Chakrabarti, Anjan, and Soumik Sarkar. 2019. “An Examination of Indian State in the Post-Planning Period.” In Changing Contexts and Shifting Roles of the Indian State, by Anthony P. D’Çosta and Achin Chakraborty (ed.), 57-79. Singapore: Springer.
- Sarkar, Soumik, and Anjan Chakrabarti. 2018. “Karl Marx: Ak Prathomik Porichoy” (Karl Marx: A Preliminary Introduction).” Antorjatik Pathshala VII (3): 170-200.
- Sarkar, Soumik. 2021. “Book Review: Dead Epidemiologists: On the Origins of Covid-19 by Rob Wallace.” Capital & Class 45 (2): 321–23.
- Sarkar, Soumik. 2021. “Book Review: The Morals of the Market: Human Rights and the rise of Neoliberalism”, Humanity & Society 45(3):414-416For
Research Advisor / Supervisor:
- Post Graduate Thesis Supervisor: 1
- Under Graduate Thesis Supervisor: 2
Award/ Academic Recognition/ Major Professional Activity:
- Reviewer of Journal:
- “Sustainability, Agri, Food and Environmental Research”, ISSN: 0719-3726
- “Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal”, ISSN: 2160-1941
- One of the Bengali translators of ‘The Country of First Boys’ by Amartya Sen (“First Boyder Desh”), Ananda Publishers, 2017.
- Awarded as a speaker in “International Model United Nations Conference”, in collaboration with UNDP, UNESCO and sponsored by Australian Embassy, Bangkok and Vietnam, 2020.