Present Position: Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology, School of Liberal Arts and Culture Studies
E-mail: bipasha.chatterjee@adamasuniversity.ac.in
- Research Scholar in the Department of Applied Psychology, University of Calcutta (Enrolment in June 2019; Registration in September 2021).
- Completed PhD Coursework for One Semester (Six Months) in September, 2021.
- M.Sc. in Applied Psychology, University of Calcutta. (Specialization in Organizational Behaviour and Industrial Psychology).
Research Key Areas:
- Organizational Behaviour & Industrial Psychology
- Communication & satisfaction in organization
- Quality of Work Life
- Occupational Stress and Job Stress
- Innovative work behaviour
- Assistant Professor in the Department of Behavioural Science, Adamas University, Barasat, Kolkata. (From 1st July, 2019 till present).
- Guest Lecturer in the Department of Applied Psychology, University of Calcutta. (From 4th July, 2018 to 28th June, 2019).
- Lecturer (Contractual Whole Time) in the Department of Psychology, at Maharani Kasiswari College, affiliated to University of Calcutta. (From 8th July, 2016 to 28th June, 2019).
- Guest Lecturer in the Department of Psychology, at Surendranath College, affiliated to University of Calcutta. (From 5th November, 2014 to 31st March, 2016).
- Guest Lecturer in the Department of Psychology, at Maharani Kasiswari College, affiliated to University of Calcutta. (From 1st September, 2014 to 31st March, 2016).
- Worked in the UGC DRS-I (SAP-III) project, in the Department of Applied Psychology, University of Calcutta. (From 1st July to 30th July, 2014).
Research Publication (s):
- Number of research papers published in International refereed journals: 4
- Number of research papers published in International peer-reviewed Scopus Proceedings: 2
- Number of invited Book-Chapters: 3, Books : 1
- Number of edited books: 2 (under process for publication)
Selected Publication (s):
- Written a blog on “Teleworking: A New Trend in the Organizational Change Patterns, As A Result of the Covid-19 Pandemic” for Adamas University. http://adamasuniversity.ac.in/teleworking-a-new-trend-in-the-organizational-change-patterns-as-a-result-of-the-covid-19-pandemic/ (Posted on 30th April, 2020)
- Dr. Tanusree Chakraborty, Ms. Bipasha Chatterjee, Dr. Nandita Mishra, Dr. Malabika Tripathi. Psychological Wellbeing and Grit among Management graduates in India: Understanding the Moderating Role of Knowledge of Strenghts. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation (Powered by Scopus). Vol. 24 – Issue 6; March, 2020. ISSN: 1475-7192. Page no.: 4728 – 4741.
- Dr. Tanusree Chakraborty, Bipasha Chatterjee, & Raiswa Saha. Quality of Work Life, Revisiting through Job Satisfaction. East African Scolars Journal of Economics, Business and Management. Vol. 2, Issue 3, March 2019. ISSN (Online): 2617-7269. ISSN (Print): 2617-4464. East African Scholars Publisher, Kenya.
- Dr. Tanusree Chakraborty, Dishari Gupta, & Bipasha Chatterjee. Strong Yet We Are Vulnerable: Role of Psychological Factors and Financial Affluence on Women’s’ Entrepreneurial Success. Journal of Global Business Advancement; Vol. 11, No. 6, 2018. Scopus Indexed. E-ISSN Number: 17469678. Inderscience Publishers.
- Bipasha Chatterjee. “Social Interaction”. In the Introduction to Social and Industrial Psychology, ed. Dr. Ishita Chatterjee. First Edition (July, 2016), pp 16-25. Kolkata: B. B. Kundu Grandsons. ISBN: 978-93-84080-83-9
- Bipasha Chatterjee. “Social Organization”. In the Introduction to Social and Industrial Psychology, ed. Dr. Ishita Chatterjee. First Edition (July, 2016), pp 9-15. Kolkata: B. B. Kundu Grandsons. ISBN: 978-93-84080-83-9
- Bipasha Chatterjee, Dishari Gupta. “Industrial Psychology (Concept of Industrial Psychology) & Organizational Behavior”. In the Introduction to Social and Industrial Psychology, ed. Dr. Ishita Chatterjee. First Edition (July, 2016), pp 119-131. Kolkata: B. B. Kundu Grandsons. ISBN: 978-93-84080-83-9
- Dr. Ishita Chatterjee, Bipasha Chatterjee. Effect of Lunar Rhythm on Ergographic Performance in Male Undergraduate Students of Kolkata. GE-International Journal of Engineering Research. Vol. 2; Issue-9 (November 2014). ISSN: (2321-1717); Impact Factor: 3.022. Associated Asia Research Foundation (AARF).
- PG Dissertation published as a book. Perception of Communication Satisfaction & Quality of Work-life. (2014). Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP). ISBN: 978-3-659-62634-0.
Research Advisor / Supervisor:
- Post Graduate Thesis Supervisor : 5 (2 Awarded, 6 under process)
- Under Graduate Thesis Supervisor: 8 (3 Awarded, 5 under process)
Award/ Academic Recognition/ Major Professional Activity:
- Qualified WBCSC SET in 2015.
- Life Member of Indian School Psychology Association (InSPA) (Membership no.: LM/ 2020/10814)
- Completed Basic and Advanced Course in Graphology from Kolkata Institute of Graphology (KIG)