Ms. Shinjini Samajdar

Present Position: Assistant Professor

Department of Psychology, School of Liberal Arts and Culture Studies



  • M.Phil in Clinical Psychology (Amity University Kolkata)
  • M.A in Applied Psychology (University of Calcutta)
  • B.A in Psychology (University of Calcutta)

Research Key Areas:

  • Cognitive psychology
  • Clinical psychology
  • Neuropsychology
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Research Highlights:

  • Halder S, Mahato AK, Samajdar S. Alteration of neurocognitive and functional status related to post-COVID infections. Telangana J Psychiatry 2022;8:25-8.
  • Halder S, Mahato AK, Samajdar S. (2021) Psychological impact of COVID-19 pandemic and its coping: A one-year follow-up study from India. Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry; 35,203. (Indexed with Web of Sciences)
  • Research Assistant for funded project by INTEL-CSR, at Amity University, Noida.


  • Assistant Professor (School of Liberal Arts and Cultural Studies), Adamas University Kolkata
  • Assistant Professor and Head of the Department (Psychology) at Brainware University Kolkata.
  • Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology) at Sweekaar Academy of Rehabilitation Sciences, under Osmania University, Secunderabad, Telengana.
  • Research Assistant for funded project by INTEL-CSR, at Amity University, Noida.
  • Consultant Clinical Psychologist at Mind Care Clinic, Laketown
  • Consultant Clinical Psychologist at Mindset Clinic, Saltlake

Research Publication (s):

  • Number of research papers published in International refereed journals: 3
  • Number of research papers published in International peer-reviewed Scopus Proceedings: 0
  • Number of invited Book-Chapters: 4

Selected Publication (s): (MAXIMUM 12)

  1. Halder S, Mahato AK, Samajdar S. Alteration of neurocognitive and functional status related to post-COVID infections. Telangana J Psychiatry 2022;8:25-8.
  2. Halder S, Mahato AK, Samajdar S. (2021) Psychological impact of COVID-19 pandemic and its coping: A one-year follow-up study from India. Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry; 35,203. (Indexed with Web of Sciences)
  3. Samajdar S, Halder S. (2021) Efficacy of Online CBT techniques on Panic Symptoms during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study. IACBT Newsletter ; 1(2),12-47.
  4. Samajdar S, Halder S. Health-related quality of life and psychological well- being in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. Telangana J Psychiatry 2021;7:29-34 (Indexed with Web of Sciences)
  5. Samajdar, S., & Halder, S. (2021). Psychosocial Functioning and Emotional Well -being in Tobacco Smoking Older Adults with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Indian Journal of Gerontology, 35(4) (UGC care list).
  6. Halder S, Samajdar S. Association Between Immunity and Cognitive Status in COVID-19 Survivors: An Exploratory Study. Series of Medical Science 2021. Age, 41 16-20.
  7. Halder S, Samajdar S, Mahato AK. Cognitive status in COVID-19 survivors with metabolic syndrome. Series Endo Diab Met. 2021;3(2):33-38
  8. Halder, S, & Samajdar, S. Implication of Cognitive Exercise in older adults. Academia Letters. (Indexed in Pubmed).
  9. Halder S, Samajdar S, Mahato AK. Impact of age on cognitive and psychological functioning in patients with diabetes. Series Endo Diab Met. 2021;3(1):27-32.
  10. Halder S. & Samajdar S. (2021). Improvement of cognitive and social functioning in residual schizophrenia through cognitive remediation and social skills training- a case study. International Journal of Indian Psychology, 9(1), 163-171. DIP:18.01.019/20210901, DOI:10.25215/0901.019 (Index Copernicus International)
  11. Halder,S., Samajdar, S. Identification of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Elderly Population. Glob J Aging Geriatr Res. 1(2): 2021. GJAGR.MS.ID.000510
  12. Halder, S., Samajdar, S., & Mahato, A. K. (2020). An Exploratory Study of Cognitive Functioning and Psychological Well-Being in Middle-Aged Adults with Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of Social Health and Diabetes, 8(01), 008-012.