Ms. Shinjini Samajdar
Present Position: Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology, School of Liberal Arts and Culture Studies
E-mail: shinjini1.samajdar@adamasuniversity.ac.in
- M.Phil in Clinical Psychology (Amity University Kolkata)
- M.A in Applied Psychology (University of Calcutta)
- B.A in Psychology (University of Calcutta)
Research Key Areas:
- Cognitive psychology
- Clinical psychology
- Neuropsychology
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Research Highlights:
- Halder S, Mahato AK, Samajdar S. Alteration of neurocognitive and functional status related to post-COVID infections. Telangana J Psychiatry 2022;8:25-8.
- Halder S, Mahato AK, Samajdar S. (2021) Psychological impact of COVID-19 pandemic and its coping: A one-year follow-up study from India. Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry; 35,203. (Indexed with Web of Sciences)
- Research Assistant for funded project by INTEL-CSR, at Amity University, Noida.
- Assistant Professor (School of Liberal Arts and Cultural Studies), Adamas University Kolkata
- Assistant Professor and Head of the Department (Psychology) at Brainware University Kolkata.
- Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology) at Sweekaar Academy of Rehabilitation Sciences, under Osmania University, Secunderabad, Telengana.
- Research Assistant for funded project by INTEL-CSR, at Amity University, Noida.
- Consultant Clinical Psychologist at Mind Care Clinic, Laketown
- Consultant Clinical Psychologist at Mindset Clinic, Saltlake
Research Publication (s):
- Number of research papers published in International refereed journals: 3
- Number of research papers published in International peer-reviewed Scopus Proceedings: 0
- Number of invited Book-Chapters: 4
Selected Publication (s): (MAXIMUM 12)
- Halder S, Mahato AK, Samajdar S. Alteration of neurocognitive and functional status related to post-COVID infections. Telangana J Psychiatry 2022;8:25-8.
- Halder S, Mahato AK, Samajdar S. (2021) Psychological impact of COVID-19 pandemic and its coping: A one-year follow-up study from India. Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry; 35,203. (Indexed with Web of Sciences)
- Samajdar S, Halder S. (2021) Efficacy of Online CBT techniques on Panic Symptoms during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study. IACBT Newsletter ; 1(2),12-47.
- Samajdar S, Halder S. Health-related quality of life and psychological well- being in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. Telangana J Psychiatry 2021;7:29-34 (Indexed with Web of Sciences)
- Samajdar, S., & Halder, S. (2021). Psychosocial Functioning and Emotional Well -being in Tobacco Smoking Older Adults with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Indian Journal of Gerontology, 35(4) (UGC care list).
- Halder S, Samajdar S. Association Between Immunity and Cognitive Status in COVID-19 Survivors: An Exploratory Study. Series of Medical Science 2021. Age, 41 16-20.
- Halder S, Samajdar S, Mahato AK. Cognitive status in COVID-19 survivors with metabolic syndrome. Series Endo Diab Met. 2021;3(2):33-38
- Halder, S, & Samajdar, S. Implication of Cognitive Exercise in older adults. Academia Letters. https://doi.org/10.20935/AL1914 (Indexed in Pubmed).
- Halder S, Samajdar S, Mahato AK. Impact of age on cognitive and psychological functioning in patients with diabetes. Series Endo Diab Met. 2021;3(1):27-32.
- Halder S. & Samajdar S. (2021). Improvement of cognitive and social functioning in residual schizophrenia through cognitive remediation and social skills training- a case study. International Journal of Indian Psychology, 9(1), 163-171. DIP:18.01.019/20210901, DOI:10.25215/0901.019 (Index Copernicus International)
- Halder,S., Samajdar, S. Identification of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Elderly Population. Glob J Aging Geriatr Res. 1(2): 2021. GJAGR.MS.ID.000510
- Halder, S., Samajdar, S., & Mahato, A. K. (2020). An Exploratory Study of Cognitive Functioning and Psychological Well-Being in Middle-Aged Adults with Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of Social Health and Diabetes, 8(01), 008-012.