Ms. Srijata Biswas
Present Position: Assistant Professor
Department of Education, School of Education
E-mail: srijata1.biswas@adamasuniversity.ac.in
- M.Ed.
- M.A. in Mathematics (Applied), Rabindra Bharati University; M.A. in Education, University of Kalyani
Research Key Areas:
- Ethnomathematics
- Women’s Empowerment through Entrepreneurship
- Teacher Education
- Assistant Professor, Adamas University, India, 2021-
- Assistant Professor, Syamaprasad Institute of Education and Training, WBUTTEPA, 2018-2021
- Assistant Professor, El Bethel College, WBUTTEPA, 2016-2018
- Assistant Professor, RBTTI, 2014-2016
Research Publication (s):
- Number of research papers published in International refereed journals: 01
- Number of research papers published in Scopus Proceedings: 01
- Number of invited Book-Chapters: 02
Selected Publication (s):
- Srijata Biswas, Assessment of Teaching Methods and Their Prospects- A Qualitative Study, Instructional Strategies, Vol. I, July, 2019, ABS Books, ISBN: 978-93-87229-13-6
- The Perspective of B.Ed. Students Towards the Use of ICT: A Reality Check from Teacher Education Institutions, Conference proceedings, IOER
- Amal Sankar Mukherjee, Prarthita Biswas, Shyamasree Sur, Srijata Biswas, MAM Sameem, Journal of Positive School Psychology, March, 2022, ISSN 2717-7564
- Extending the Boundaries: Women Entrepreneurship to bring Gender Equality
Award/ Academic Recognition/ Major Professional Activity:
- IOER Best Paper Award – 2022