Soumya Suvra Das
Present Position: Assistant Professor, Head of the Department
Department of Entertainment Media, School of Media and Communication
E-mail: soumyasuvra.das@adamasuniversity.ac.in
- Submitted PhD (Film Studies), Department of Film Studies ( under Jadavpur University)
- A. in Film Studies, Jadavpur University
- A. in Comparative Literature, Jadavpur University
Research Key Areas:
- Hindi Popular Cinema and Land Relations
- Capitalism, Techno-capitalism and Culture
- Marxist Domain
- Scriptwriting
- Music Video Studies
- Filmmaking
Research Highlights:
- Have been a MOOC Coordinator and resource person with more than 25 lectures series for SWAYAM under MHRD.
- Have been into filmmaking and film research at industry level
- 2 International journal articles and 3 national ones with one book chapter
- 5 films including short fiction, non-fiction and corporate/grant film
- Head of the Department and Assistant Professor, Adamas University, Department of Entertainment Media, School of Media and Communication, June 2021 – Present
- Assistant Professor, NSHM Knowledge Campus – Department of Media & Department of Films, January 2018 – June 2021.
- Visiting Faculty, Lady Brabourne College, Department of English (PG), August 2019-2020
- Visiting Faculty, St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata, Department of Mass Communication and Videography & Department of Multimedia, August 2011- December 2017
- Full Time Lecturer, The Bhawanipur Education Society College, Department of Mass Communication & Department of Film Studies, September 2014 – January 2018
- Course Coordinator/Resource Person, EMRC (Educational Multimedia Research Centre) One Course Coordination, 24 Lectures, 2012 – present
- Visiting Faculty, ILead, Department of Media Science, August 2012 – August 2015
- Program Manager / Faculty, Wigan and Leigh College, Department of Media Science, August 2006 – November 2012
Research Publication (s):
- Number of research papers published in International refereed journals: 1
- Number of research papers published in International peer-reviewed Scopus Proceedings: 1
- Number of invited Book-Chapters: 2, Books : 03
- Number of films made (fiction, non-fiction, corporate, grant): 05
Selected Publication (s):
- New Cinema Movement and the “no land’s man”: questions of land in Ankurand Aakrosh, Jump Cut (International Film and Media Journal), No. 60, Spring 2021. (Scopus Indexed)
- Cinema, Modernity, Politics of Resistance – Representation of a Possible Society
- Colloquium, Volume III – ‘Politics of Representation’ (ISSN No. 2350-1251), Journal of the Arts Section, The Bhawanipur Education Society College, 2017.
- Land, Nation and Post-Independent Hindi Cinema: A Case Study of Mother India and Do Bigha Zameen, International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS), 2020, Vol 7, No.2,97-102
- An Imagology of Dissent: Om Dar-Ba-Dar, Politics of Dissent – A Genealogical Transaction Power Publications, Kolkata, September 2016 (ISBN No. 978-93-85892-58-5)
- Inhabiting the Twilight – ‘Clerk’, SRFTI Publication ‘Take One’ 2011 edition
- The El Dorado called Kolkata: Bengali Cinema and the City, SRFTI Publication ‘Take One’ 2012 May edition
- ICH – Corporate film on Institute of Child Health, Kolkata (4 minutes, English, 2022)
- Mochhob (UK Film Review: 4 stars, ABP Review, 25 minutes, Bengali, 2014)
- The Other Tagores (30 minutes, English, 2008)
- Forlorn (29 minutes, Bengali, 2006)
- Disbranded (29 minutes, Bengali, 2004)
Research Projects:
26 Lecture Video lectures & resource person for MOOC under SWAYAM, MHRD coordinated by EMMRC, St.Xavier’s College, Kolkata.
- Jurgen Habermas and His Theory of Communicative Action (2 parts)
- Marshall McLuhan (2 parts)
- The Frankfurt School (2 parts)
- Analysis of Advertisements (2 parts)
- Colonialism & Communication (2 parts)
- Cultural Imperialism and Media (2 parts)
- Dominant Paradigm and Media (2 parts)
- Early Moving Images (2 parts)
- Marxist Media Theory (3 parts)
- The Gandhian Approach (2 parts)
- Use of Media by Super Powers
- Marxist Paradigm (2 parts)
- Non-Marxist Theories (2 parts)
Award/ Academic Recognition/ Major Professional Activity:
- Best Social Message in a Film for the film Mochhob at Roshani International Short Film Festival, 2021.
- Has been a Preview Committee Member of short experimental films at 1st Dhaka International Youth Film Festival 2020.